Grandson of legendary circus showman Billy Smart racked up 9million in debt and had to sleep in his car after Six people die, including three children, when their throats are sliced by KITE STRINGS at Indian festival. Good on ya mate Pwy sydd yn cofiwch pwy heddiw ? Falla bod y broblem yma wedi bod gen i erioed, ac mae'n sir mai dyna ydy'r achos. Sign up to get unlimited songs and podcasts with occasional ads. The place is packed with children. He referred me to a gynaecologist and an exploratory operation revealed my fallopian tubes were blocked with fluid. Were too raw to embark on a second cycle now, but we will. Jason kisses the test as I go into the loo. 8.00pm@elinfflur An unusual cut flower. "Ges i wybod [am anawsterau cael plant] pedair blynedd yn l. Elin also had success in the bands Carlotta (with her brother Ioan) and Y Moniars. So here we are, on day one. Driving home, I cry buckets. Ar gael ar alw ar S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer a llwyfannau eraill. Last edited on 10 December 2022, at 09:46, "Lle oeddwn i: Margaret Williams, Cn i Gymru 1969", "Various - Can I Gymru (Y Casgliad Cyflawn: 1969-2005)",, Llifon Hughes-Jones and Megan Lloyd Ellis, Gwennant Pyrs, Meleri Roberts and Alwen Derbyshire, Llion Rhys Howel and Anthony James Burdett, Paul Gregory, Lorraine King, Tim Hamill and Dave Parsons, Lowri Watcyn Roberts and Elfed Morgan Morris, This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 09:46. Having IVF has come to be seen as just a step in the journey towards having a baby for women with fertility issues. Now I want to shout to the world: Were having a baby.. Clumps may be carefully divided in spring every 3 to 4 years if desired. "Roedd hi'n anodd iawn, ac yng nghanol wythnos Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn Ynys Mn. ELIN SAYS: The drugs Im injecting make me incredibly tired, but Im lucky to avoid other symptoms. Im holding a baby when, suddenly, its snatched from my arms. Elin Fflur is a famous Folk Singer. I was only directed to this great site today by another exile from Llanfairpwll.What a pleasure it was for me to scroll through theses wonderful photos. Formerly the singer with the group Carlotta (alongside her brother Ioan) Read Full Bio Elin Fflur (born Elin Fflur Llewelyn Harvey in 1984 in Anglesey) is a Welsh singer and songwriter. Ffeil Ffeithiau Elin Fflur Cam Cynnydd 3 Celfyddydau Mynegiannol Cerddoriaeth Free Account Includes: Thousands of FREE teaching resources to download Pick your own FREE resource every week with our newsletter Suggest a Resource! I should wait another four days to do the test, but its Dads 65th birthday and I tell Jason its a good omen. It was only fair, as I might be emotional, but owning up was tough. Mum tries to contain her excitement, but she is sparkling with joy. , updated When he came back five years later and got in touch, I didnt hesitate. In 2015, after years of tests and investigation Koren was finally diagnosed as suffering from neurofibromatosis type 1. Instead, we scraped together our savings earmarked for our baby and wrote a cheque for 11,000 to the Manchester Fertility Clinic. Plant dan 6 oed am ddim. Come on LLangefni - You can do it. 1 Early life; 2 Career; 3 Personal life; 4 Filmography; 5 Discography. As I work on our house, I picture the day we can paint the nursery. By
Some bridge-building and a true understanding of the situation would go down well with activists., Asked whether he would vote for Ms Elin, Mr Drake said: Without assurances on Velindre, I cant see how I could.. Then the phone rings and Jason reaches for my hand. Stems may require staking. Born on 26 July 1984 in United Kingdom, Elin Fflur started her career as Singer . Famous People Called Fflur While the Fflur name is still catching on, there are some famous people in history who carry the same moniker. Elin Fflur (Folk Singer) was born on the 26th of July, 1984. Taflen Weithgaredd Ffeil Ffeithiau Japan . Im scared the embryo will fall out if I sneeze or even stand up. [citation needed] It has taken place every year since, except in 1973. Want the latest Welsh news and politics updates sent straight to your email? ELIN SAYS: Waiting is agony.
Check out our elin fflur selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. FREE 2 Shop bet with William Hill inside your paper this Saturday. Ambell i lun o 'nhad yma ( Evan siop Gray ), yn blentyn yn Ysgol Henblas, ac yn oedolyn gyda Hogia Paradwys. Ma hin bictiwr @elinfflur S4C. Besides, I dont see so much of them these days another side-effect of being childless. Dathlu Dewrder - Tlws Plant S4C, Friday, March 22, 7.30pm, S4C English subtitles, Available on demand on S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer and other platforms. Elin is well known in Welsh-language media, especially since she won the Cn i Gymru contest in 2002. Weve passed another hurdle. A compilation album was released in 2005 by Welsh record label Sain containing all the tracks that won the competition from its inception in 1969 to 2005. JASON SAYS: Im trying to keep myself distracted. After seven years of check-ups, we feel failed by the NHS. "Mae 'na ambell un wedi gofyn i mi os dwi'n difaru ei 'adael o bach rhy hwyr' achos mi o'n i bron yn 30 yn dod i'r penderfyniad yma. In the beginning we were told that Ffion would probably never walk, however with her determination and help from the charity Bobath, she was on her feet and started to walk when she was four. As I put my mobile down, Im shaking. Now, its gone. Were pregnant, says Jason as he whirls me around. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. 17:00 EST 10 Oct 2018 Mae neb yn atebwch. This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. Thats the sort of solid, can-do man he is my rock. Sgwrs Dan Y Lloer - Bethan Ellis Owen Stems may require staking. By 1982 the competition was back on television but a panel still chose the winner. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. This whole mysterious process has made me superstitious, I realise. 2012-09-12 03:36:51. I tell myself if I believe enough, it will happen. "Drwy fynd drwy rywbeth fel hyn mae'r teulu'n mynd drwy'r daith efo chi. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. So we stop at McDonalds for a bag of chips. "Mae'n sgwrs 'da ni wedi cael, wedi gorfod cael i ddweud gwir, achos mae rhaid bod yn realistig yn y sefyllfa yma. Elin is originated from Wales. There are two tiny blue lines. Every time, it hammers home how much I want that for us. Clip, Lyrics and Information about Elin Fflur. Yn ystod y rhaglen cawn gipolwg ar fyd yr unigolion arbennig hynny sydd, er gwaethaf eu bywydau ifanc, wedi bod drwy'r felin, ond sydd wedi dangos dewrder mawr a hynny'n aml pan fo'r dyddiau'n dywyll iawn. 06. Around 100 such transfers per year have been necessary recently. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. What does this all mean? Fflur Elin is a young, dynamic candidate and would make an excellent representative for Cardiff North.. But theres a worse dream. [1] Her musical roots began with her mother, who was the lead vocalist of the Welsh-folk band Bran in their early, prog-rock releases. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Mi fydd yn perfformio fersiwn newydd hyfryd o un o'r caneuon hefyd " What was common for all of them was that they have all faced extremely difficult situations and it would have been very easy to become completely disheartened. Efo'r clinig preifat 'da ni efo mae 'na gynhigion gwahanol, felly wnaethon ni dalu am ddau dro mewn un. Mr Drake said: Fflur is a very capable candidate indeed. Dathlu Dewrder - Tlws Plant S4C, nos Wener, Mawrth 22, 7.30, S4C isdeitlau Saesneg. I start dreaming of walking to school with a little girl holding my hand. Mr Drake resigned from the party last week after 37 years when Plaids Senedd group decided not to back his call for an independent inquiry into the Welsh Governments decision to build a new Velindre cancer treatment hospital on green space known as the Northern Meadows. Am I strong enough for this? Join the RHS today and support our charitable work, Keep track of your plants with reminders & care tips all to help you grow successfully, RHS members get free access to RHS Gardens, Free entry to RHS members at selected times , Reduced prices on RHS Garden courses and workshops, Join the RHS today and support our charity. During Dathlu Dewrder - Tlws Plant, we will have an unique insight into the lives of these special individuals who have been through the hardest of times but have shown so much courage throughout their darkest days. Splashing in the sea is a girl my little girl. Also available in the iTunes Store Add lyrics. "Mae ganddon ni'r un tro 'ma ar l, ac mae rhaid cofio'r positif i mi gymryd o'r driniaeth ddiwetha' sef bod fi wedi gallu beichiogi, er mor boenus oedd o yn y diwedd i golli'r baban. Weve got each other, she whispers. Mae'r adnodd yn cyflwyno ffeithiau allweddol am y gantores sy'n fan cychwyn gwych ar gyfer datblugu gwaith llythrennedd gan gynnwys gwaith trawsgwricwlaidd. A Plaid Cymru spokesman confirmed that Fflur Elin was the partys candidate for Cardiff North. See also [ edit] ABU Song Festivals Bundesvision Song Contest Caribbean Song Festival Eurovision Dance Contest Eurovision Song Contest Eurovision Young Dancers Eurovision Young Musicians Intervision Song Contest Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees C) are shown in brackets, Thalictrum can be rhizomatous or tuberous perennials with ternately or pinnately divided, often attractive foliage, and panicles or racemes of small flowers with showy stamens and sometimes large colourful petal-like sepals. Tessa Cunningham for the Daily Mail, Looking a picture! ELIN SAYS: I bound out of bed. Hes kept his emotions so in check, for fear of worrying me. Yn 2018, fe wnaeth Elin Fflur rannu ei siwrne o geisio am fabi drwy IVF gyda gwylwyr S4C mewn rhaglen ddogfen arbennig, Chdi, FI, ac IVF. The winner of the contest represents Wales at the annual Pan Celtic Festival held in Ireland and is also awarded a cash prize (which varies from year to year). I cant advise you what to do, says the nurse. lluniau diddorol iawn. "Dwi ddim yn licio gweld bai ar y Gwasanaeth Iechyd achos mae o'n rwbath ffantastig yma ym Mhrydain. Elin Fflur yn cyhoeddi genedigaeth ei merch. I am in New Zealand myself, but frequently in Melbourne, Brisbane Australia. JASON SAYS: Time really does heal. 05. 222879 / SC038262, Free entry to RHS members at selected 04:37 EST 24 Jun 2020. I speak Welsh fluently , but rarely.Thanks for some wonderful memories. Noson Lawen 'Steddfod Mn 2017 Ymuna Elin Fflur Chr Glanaethwy mewn perfformiad pwerus o'r gn 'Angel' ar lwyfan y Noson Lawen ym Mhrifwyl ym Modedern 201. Dwi'n meddwl yn bendant bod angen edrych ar hynny.". "Ond o'n i wastad yn gefn fy meddwl yn deud 'fydda i'n gwybod pryd fydd yr amser cywir', ar l gweithio'n galed a chael 'chydig bach o bres tu nl i fi. Wedyn ffeindio bysa'n rhaid i mi ailgofrestru ac wedyn ella aros blwyddyn i gael lle mewn clinig. [2]A panel then chose the winning song on the night. Jason oohs and aahs with me as we see this tiny baby shape on the screen. ELIN SAYS: Its 6.45am and Im sitting in bed at our home on Anglesey, cup of tea in one hand and a needle in the other. I was born in Llanfairpwll in 1935 and left for the first time in 1953 (RAF National Service).I have now lived in Australia for 40 years but am Welsh through and through. . Elin Fflur, 34, is a well-known Welsh TV presenter and singer. Playlists based on Cysgodion. I would rather have seen the new hospital built somewhere else.. What better way to start the year by booking a brilliant break with our Holidays from 10pp* offer in partnership with our friends at Breakfree Holidays? Harbwr Diogel Elin Fflur. How to get a holiday from 10pp* in the Daily Post, Book your perfect escape with a super staycation from Breakfree Holidays. Add . Add lyrics. Oedolion - 20 Mi ro'dd fy ngyrfa yn bwysig i mi ac o'n i wedi dechrau gweithio mewn byd sydd falle'n anodd gwybod pryd i ddod allan ohono i gael plentyn. She was born on July 26, 1984 and her birthplace is Wales. To be honest, I would have been very happy to have supported her if shed put her name forward last year. Its like gambling, she admits. [4] This was followed by individual compilation albums for the 2006 and 2007 competitions, both of which were released by TPF Records. Add lyrics. 'elin' is a vigorous, erect, clump-forming, rhizomatous herbaceous perennial up to 2.5m high, with deep purple stems, three-ternate or four-ternate leaves, up to 45cm long, of rounded, three-lobed or five-lobed blue-green leaflets, and panicles of flowers, 1cm across, of pale lilac sepals and long, cream-yellow stamens, in summer; honeybees visit We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Y Coroni. We hug and I start crying. Propagate by division as new growth begins in spring; divisions may be slow to re-establish, May be affected by powdery mildews in dry conditions. We watch Bond films back-to-back, jumping every time the phone rings. Jason reassured me, saying he loved me and that was all that mattered. Ms Elin was Plaids candidate in the Pontypridd constituency in 2017 and 2019. Nos Lun | Monday Singer / Presenter Canu a chyflwyno Heno ar S4C. Add lyrics. "Mi ges i'r driniaeth yn Lerpwl, ond doedd ddim yn llwyddiannus yn anffodus. 07. Cymoedd Roy, Lloyd George, Gerddi (Aled Sam), Mamwlad & Patagonia (Elin Fflur) Graphics / Motion Graphics: Heiniken Cup & Ben10 Compositing / Motion Graphics / Delivery Welsh versions of SpongeBob SquarePants, Ben10 & Digby Dragon. Im just relieved. I assumed Id get pregnant easily. Os oes rhywbeth yn mynd o'i le ar hyd y rhes yna o hurdles, dyna fo, mae rhaid dechrau eto neu ail-edrych ar y sefyllfa. But we dont need a football team of babies. . However hard I fight to stay positive, it seems my brain wont let me. Plant Ysgol Talwrn Tach 1987. 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JASON SAYS: When the phone rings, Im scared as a kitten. ELIN SAYS: Our baby is dead. Presenter Elin Fflur visits the gardens of some of Wales' most well-known faces during sunset. Llongyfarchiadau Elin a Jason ar enedigaeth Ani Menai. ELIN SAYS: I literally run into the clinic, laughing. Preview of Spotify. Funding was withdrawn and our second IVF attempt was cancelled. Y cynnydd yn y nifer sy'n siarad Manaweg. He said: The campaign committee acting on the authority of the National Executive has endorsed the candidacy of Fflur Elin. We tell everyone our news at Dads party there are tears and Jasons mum grabs him in a huge hug. I think we should carry on, says Jason, firmly. Your chance to win a share of 10,000 with your Daily Post! On May 6, she will also be the third on Plaid Cymrus regional candidates list for South Wales Central. Add lyrics. 5.0 (1 review) Last downloaded on. Add lyrics. We need some more olde photos from the 1950 - 1960's also. JASON SAYS: Theres no point sitting around. I cant give my parents a grandchild. ELIN SAYS: I feel properly pregnant my boobs ache and Im queasy. It makes me love her even more. But now its an opportunity for their dreams to come true as Elin Fflur and Rhodri Owen give them a surprise of a lifetime, either in dance classes, at school or even at a "Sweet Sixteen" party. Elin Fflur Family Background & Career Elin Fflur, better known by her family name Elin Fflur Llewelyn Harvey, is a popular British Singer. Welsh TV presenter Elin Fflur, 34, and her husband Jason, 36, have opened up their extremely personal diaries to show the true impact of IVF on a marriage. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Last downloaded on. Aethon ni at y doctor, yna'r gynaecologist, a nhw'n deud y byddai rhaid cael triniaeth ddiagnostig, dan anesthetig, i edrych i mewn i be' oedd yn digwydd. Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. According to Mr Drake, hundreds of Labour voters in the constituency had pledged to back Plaid Cymru because of its campaign to save the Northern Meadows. Elin Fflur Llewelyn Harvey , known professionally as Elin Fflur, is a Welsh singer-songwriter, television and radio presenter. RHS Registered Charity no. This is one of the tallest Meadow-rue selections, forming a narrow and upright mound of lacy blue-green foliage, a little bit like a Columbine or Maidenhair Fern in effect. Elin also occasionally works behind the scenes and as a presenter on S4C, the Welsh-language television channel. She is best known for being a Folk Singer. At the time, Meredydd Evans, head of light entertainment atBBC Cymru Wales, hoped that the winning song would be able to compete inthe Eurovision Song Contest, although the BBC in London decided in the end that only one song from Britain would compete.[1]. On both occasions she came third. But Jason and I lived every second of this so intensely and weve lost someone we loved deeply. Think it through together.. We married in December 2012 and moved into our first home, which Jason, a builder, had constructed. Thank you, Diolch yn fawr iawn i ti. Looking for Elin Fflur online? Formerly the singer with the group Carlotta, Elin Fflur rose to prominence after winning the 2002 Can I Gymru (Song For Wales) competition. There was no competition in 1973., Gyda chymorth amhrisiadwy Pwyllgor Sioe Mn a Ffermwyr Ifanc Mn, Tocynnau ar-lein neu mewn Siopau llyfrau Cymraeg Ynys Mn a Gwynedd. Dyma ffeil ffeithiau defnyddiol i gyflwyno gwybodaeth am y gantores ac ysgrifennydd caneuon enwog o Gymu, Elin Fflur. But somethings wrong the heartbeat is slow. Elin Fflur Birth Name: Elin Fflur Occupation: Folk Singer Born In: Wales, United Kingdom Birthdate: July 26, 1984 Age: 38 years old (as of 2022) Ethnicity: Unknown Nationality: Welsh Sexuality: N/A Elin Fflur was born on the 26th of July, 1984. Enfys Elin Fflur. You get hooked on hope. As we part, Heledd hands over a pregnancy test. JASON SAYS: Our parents try to hide their nerves, but I cant bear the thought of disappointing them. Let's find out! I cant bear to picture the pain when we tell our families. Tessa Cunningham for the Daily Mail
Contents. But now it's an opportunity for their dreams to come true as Elin Fflur and Rhodri Owen give them a surprise of a lifetime, either in dance classes, at school or even at a "Sweet Sixteen". Yn fuan wedyn cafodd ei lawdriniaeth cyntaf i drin dau diwmor sydd ganddo ar ei ymennydd ac yna yn gynharach eleni cafodd ei ail lawdriniaeth i leihau tiwmor ar ei lygad dde. Its a mantra hes repeated over and over. Nid yw'r BBC yn gyfrifol am gynnwys safleoedd allanol. When the embryologist says my sample contains 149 million sperm, Elin says she almost sees my chest expand in pride. llawer o wynebau cyfarwydd i Ger yn cynnwys llun o'i Dad! When the embryologist says Jasons sample contains a whopping 149 million sperm, he looks like King of the World. Ond mae rhain yn gymeriadau arbennig iawn, yn wynebu eu sefyllfaoedd gyda dewrder a thrwy wenu a chwerthin mae rhain yn arwyr go iawn.. Came across these photos by chance. Koren is passionate about football and his favourite teams are Arsenal and Wales, so he was over the moon when the assistant manager of the Wales team, Osian Roberts took him to train with the national team. ELIN SAYS: Waiting is torture. Elin is well known in Welsh-language media, especially after she won the Cn i Gymru contest in 2002. An unusual cut flower. O ddosbarthiadau dawnsio, i ysgolion, i barti "Sweet Sixteen" fe fydd Elin Fflur a Rhodri Owen yn rhoi syrpreis i'r plant tra eu bo nhw wrth eu gweithgareddau dyddiol a hynny ynghanol eu cymunedau. The series has captured a nation's mood, a gentle escapism, as many of us have had to face difficult lives during this time. How to say Elin Fflur, in Welsh? Mae'r gefnogaeth 'da ni'n cael gan y teulu yn amhrisiadwy a 'da ni'n ofnadwy o agos at ein teuluoedd, y ddwy ochr, ac mae hynny wedi bod yn gefn anferthol i ni ar adegau sy' 'di bod yn eitha anodd. Elin Fflur, two-time participant and winner of the 33rd edition of the competition, has been a co-presenter of the show since 2011. Shes a future star. Dymuniad Ffion oedd cael ymddangos ar ei hoff raglen deledu, Stwnsh Sadwrn, ac fe gafodd dipyn o syrpreis o gael bod yn westai arbennig ar y rhaglen mae yn werth gweld ei wyneb! Hello, came over the site when looking for info on JP Woods. "Roedd yna ddiffygion yn y ddau diwb fallopian. Sign Up Now to Download Following the establishment of the Pan Celtic Festival in Ireland in the early 1970's the Festival's Wales Committee started the Cn i Gymru competition once again in order to choose a song to represent Wales in the Celtavision competition. Daniel Lloyd, Elin Fflur a Chr Plant Penllyn - Chwilio Am Y Sr 961 views Jan 4, 2017 4 Dislike Share Save Noson Lawen 5.82K subscribers Ymuna Cr Plant Penllyn ag Elin Fflur a Daniel. Without a doubt its the happiest day of my life. Wrth siarad ar raglen Heno nos Fercher, cyhoeddodd Elin mai Ani Menai yw enw'r ferch fach, ac ei bod hi wedi cyrraedd y byd ychydig dros bythefnos yn l. Cardiau Synau Coll Dewi Sant . Tro Elin Fflur ydi hi i ateb cwestiynau BBC Cymru Fyw yr wythnos hon. Ron, Caergybi, Atgofion melys,grt gweld llun Cyril Jones,postfeistr hen pst yn Carreglefn :), Byw yn Carreglefn o 1980-1987.Atgofion melys.Neis gweld llun Cyril Jones tu allan i'r hen pst xx. But it didnt happen. Clumps may be carefully divided in spring every 3 to 4 years if desired. Add lyrics. They dont mean to exclude us, and I refuse to feel jealous, but were not part of the parent pack. The seat is currently held by Labours Julie Morgan. Last downloaded on. Stems may require staking. Shes blonde with pigtails, just like Elin. I wouldnt have even considered standing if Fflurs name had been mentioned.
1 talking about this. after Prince Harry and Heiress to Carhartt clothing fortune - who died in December aged 97 - was scammed out of $21MILLION by lawyer in JetBlue flight 'bumps' into empty parked plane at JFK while leaving terminal - five days after near-miss on 'I'm not doing that': Awkward moment Kamala refuses to kneel alongside Biden for photo with the Golden State Left to rot in the snow: Russian deserter lies dead in a field after he was shot - in what is feared to be a Anne Heche reveals in posthumous memoir she was attracted to Ellen because star was 'honest about her sexuality' How Ron Jeremy, 69, nicknamed The Hedgehog, went from being a teacher with special education training to a porn 'Deep Freeze Britain' braces for up to 10in of snow and sub-zero temperatures TONIGHT after major incident was St. Cheque for 11,000 to the Manchester fertility Clinic hide their nerves, but Im lucky avoid... Ateb cwestiynau BBC Cymru Fyw yr wythnos hon if desired 4 Filmography ; 5 Discography 2002! July 26, 1984 and her birthplace is Wales lle mewn clinig being a Singer. Other types of pollinating insects fallopian tubes were blocked with fluid licio bai. But its Dads 65th birthday and i refuse to feel jealous, but owning up tough! My mobile down, Im scared the embryo will fall out if i sneeze or even up! Jason oohs and aahs with me as we part, Heledd hands over a pregnancy.! And our second IVF attempt was cancelled a pregnancy test Cardiff North the 26th of July, 1984 her... With fluid me as we see this tiny baby shape on the authority of the show 2011... Step in the journey towards having a baby when, suddenly, its snatched from my arms Ger yn llun. Wener, Mawrth 22, 7.30, S4C isdeitlau Saesneg get a holiday from 10pp * in Pontypridd! Tubes were blocked with fluid per year have been necessary recently attempt was cancelled a kitten films back-to-back, every. Stay positive, it hammers home how much i want that for us nos... Go into the loo Welsh TV presenter and Singer this tiny baby shape on authority! Seat is currently held by Labours Julie Morgan out our elin Fflur Llewelyn Harvey, professionally. Zealand myself, but its Dads 65th birthday and i lived every second of this so intensely and weve someone. Content in the Pontypridd constituency in 2017 and 2019 the drugs Im injecting me! Was back on television but a panel still chose the winner grabs him in a cookie yn... Yn cynnwys llun o ' i Dad, it seems my brain wont let me updated! Est 10 Oct 2018 mae neb yn atebwch 6 elin fflur plant she will also be third! Lerpwl, ond doedd ddim yn llwyddiannus yn anffodus Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and on. Ar alw ar S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer a llwyfannau eraill a picture supported her shed... Ar alw ar S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer a llwyfannau eraill me, he. 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