They have one child. Every style of English suburban house is represented there, but all at two-thirds scale. Who bloody draws a bloody line. Mention of the people who queued to pay him homage in that documentary - from Stewart Lee to Bill Bailey and Arthur Smith - causes Cooper Clarke, a naturally modest man, visible discomfort. Imtheaudioslave There is no Japanese term for. I believe its the kind of thing Charles Baudelaire aspired to: you know, the guy with the overview, a mirror reflecting the entire Parisian crowd. "Well," Cooper Clarke says, "he was a rent man, wasn't he?". The University of Salford awarded the Punk Poet a Doctorate of Arts for bringing . The Day My Pad Went Mad - Radio 1 Live Version, (I Married a) Monster from Outer Space (Live), I Dont Want to Be Nice (Alternative Take), Limbo (Baby Limbo) (Live [Rafters, Manchester]), Night People (John Peel Session 15th March 1982), Intro and Salome Maloney (Manchester Ritz), (I Married A) Monster from Outer Space (Manchester Ritz), Gaberdine Angus - Live [Rafters, Manchester], The Day My Pad Went Mad (John Peel Session 15th March 1982), Midnight Shift (John Peel Session 15th March 1982), (I Married A) Monster from Outer Space (John Peel Session 3 October 1978), Health Fanatic (John Peel Session 3 October 1978), Mustnt Go Down to the Sea Again (Hulme Playhouse 1983), Spilt Beans (John Peel Session 3 October 1978), Readers Wives (John Peel Session 3 October 1978), Never Seen a Nipple in the Daily Express (Hulme Playhouse 1983), (I Married A) Monster from Outer Space [Live Version], (I Married A) Monster from Outer Space [Bonus Track - Live Version], The Day My Pad Went Mad (Radio Live Version), John's in the Money (Evidently John Cooper Clarke, Vol. Was Nico easy to live with? Dr John Cooper Clarke at the Firestation Arts Centre - 21/06/17. But I have to say that view was by no means unanimous. He is married to Evie. "Because you know what the Japanese are like. If I have a cup of coffee, Ill sit down at a table. British Rail, like any monopoly, had undoubtedly got complacent. 'Danger'? The fact is you need help, though. Apart from the one collection [Ten Years in An Open-Necked Shirt, which originally appeared in 1981, superbly illustrated by Steve Maguire] he has never been published. Four years ago, I remind the poet, we were shivering in driving rain on the seafront in Brighton, just after midnight. The big production number at the end concludes, you recall, Naughty, bawdy, gaudy, sporty, Forty-second Street. After that, old ladies started to hit me in the street with their umbrellas.". "Keats, Baudelaire, Poe," I suggest to Cooper Clarke. Many people have told me that they do use the writing of poetry to concentrate their mind on some pressing metaphysical problem. He has his set pieces, such as 'Home Honey, I'm High.' A screen projector showing him in close up would have helped a lot-for those of us in the gallery he was a bit of a speck in the distance. "Sometimes," the actor Steve Coogan once said, "I ask people: 'Have you ever heard of Cooper Clarke?' "I was ill all the time as a boy," he says. Prolekult - Marx, Debord, Crass and more Gil Scott-Heron And Brian Jackson 1976 Its Your World, Joe Cuba Sextet Bustin Out (1972, Venezuela pressing), NEW RELEASES 2022/1 - CHRIS CAPERS & JOE RIGBY, King Crimson - 1971 [2010] "Islands" (40th Anniversary Series), Greil Marcus & Jann Wenner in conversation (live event), KONSTRUkT with PETER BRTZMANN Eklisia Sunday (reissue LP-2016), 10 Band Hardcore dari Ukraina Yang Harus Anda Ketahui, MIUC 170123: Erick Mitsak; DCruz / Larkin / Aboukhater / Healy; Siphoned Signals, Golden Smog- Rock For Karl Benefit, Minneapolis- October 21, 2004, Thomas Mapfumo and the Blacks Unlimited Chimurenga Master Piece Gramma Records 1990, Transllusion special editions on Tresor, The Other People Place Muzik 2001 interview, new Doplereffekt track and more. 1) "I've been in Time magazine," he says, "but don't wait to hear me on [BBC Radio Four's] Poetry Please." Very good-John Cooper Clarke was on form and did some of his new poems as well as some old favourites. I operate on a capsule wardrobe because I spend a lot of time on the road, so I aint got the whole rainbow spectrum of colours in my luggage. The first lyrics I became aware of would have been in the pre-rocknroll 1950s, when my Uncle Dennis was demobbed from the RAF and he lived at our house for a bit. Is that a stage name? 'Mere verse' as some might call it, is the kind of thing that everybody thinks they can do - and they're quite right, they can. But I persuaded my wife to drive me there one weekend and on arrival I turned to her and said: Weve never been here before, sweetheart, but I sure have dreamed about this place. The streets are all sand. But if I'd have been around in Bavaria in 1935, I could have told them. Popular John Cooper Clarke albums This Time It's Personal. "It's hard to convey the aggression of those audiences." Since he first began performing in Mancunian working men's clubs in the mid-Seventies, he has evolved a unique stage act that is part comedy, part knockabout verse, part rather more moving - serious poetry whose profundity slips by you without you quite noticing. To make the hips the focal point of a pair of trousers is, to me, a fashion mistake. Mr_Jones I like a high waist if anything, like a flamenco dancer that rakish, swashbuckling look. His perennial UK tours he is just about to embark on another are invariably sold out to audiences of all ages. "Frontal lobes just had a trim," it begins, "or did you meet the Moonies? LightninDave Dont ever do it. John Cooper Clarke: 'I've dressed the same way since 1965' The poet and performer on keeping his clothes simple, stapling them back together, and being fashionable once every 15 years for. Trains coming down the middle of the road. "I have come to understand that there is some value to what I do. But mostly it is down to his brilliant rambling dramatic monologue of a stage show, which has become less staccato over the years. "Yes?" ", His father worked at Trafford Park, the biggest industrial estate in Europe. JOHN COPPER CLARKE I FALLING IN LOVE WITH MY WIFE live in DUBLIN 2010_mpeg2video.mpg. "Bloody hell," says Cooper Clarke. I know for many people our departure from the EU is the worst thing thats ever happened. View agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro, Evie Yes. And the private sector has upped the standards of concourse retail in general, which used to consist of a couple of broken cig machines. John Cooper Clarke was born on 25 January 1949 in Salford, Greater Manchester, England, UK. It is things that he might eat if he ever did turn up to my show: which is to say various heavily flavoured, deep-fried, lavishly salted snack treats. You give me the horrors. Clarke has lived for the past 25 years in Colchester, Essex. John Cooper Clarke has, arguably, not only the most recognisable silhouette in show business, but also the most infectious of poetic voices. Saboteur Awards Festival 2022: The shortlists! John Cooper Clarke performing at the 3rd International Moscow Open Book Festival (3 ) at The . rycu "I've never really known," he says. There have been some landmark events to prompt this: Arctic Monkeys dreamy 2013 cover of I Wanna Be Yours; the use of Evidently Chickentown as the backing in one of the most memorable sequences in box-set TV, at the end of an episode of the final season of The Sopranos; the fact that his poems have made it on to the GCSE syllabus. [18], In July 2013, Clarke was awarded an honorary doctorate of arts by the University of Salford in "acknowledgement of a career which has spanned five decades, bringing poetry to non-traditional audiences and influencing musicians and comedians." goldthing John Cooper Clarke SUB89 22.06.12 Lydia The Girl With the Itch through to Rotten Here In Gaol AboutPressCopyrightContact usCreatorsAdvertiseDevelopersTermsPrivacyPolicy & SafetyHow. There also can be a performance at music festivals across the country that include Coachella, Lollapalooza and Bonnaroo Music Festival. "I was too late. Barry Evans and his young friends were all mods in a mod town. I think that made me cultivate an inner life. You might look up a piece by our former Poet Laureate, Andrew Motion, written to commemorate Prince William's 21st birthday. [12], Clarke released Zip Style Method in 1982, but thereafter performed his live act less frequently, spending much of the 1980s mired in heroin addiction, living in a "domestic partnership" with singer and fellow addict Nico. "They all had this desire to exclude the world." "Fancy Tony saying that." John Cooper Clarke at the Contains Strong Language spoken word festival at the University of Hull in 2017. his is my default look. But we couldn't live with that. BBC Radio 4 - Dr John Cooper Clarke at the BBC (Nov 2016) Somebody once said that a wedding is a funeral where you can smell your own flowers. The truth is, Caligula, if I was opening for them, they were better than I was. Those lyrics hit me like poetry. You put the Shat in Shatter. John Cooper Clarke - What's In My Bag? Otherwise, I ask for the apparatus for a gin and tonic. I believe that John Cooper Clarke should be regarded as being among the very best writers in Britain. A much underrated garment, the jegging: they never need ironing and they hold their colour. But I know by their name that I hate them. Get it wrong by even half a syllable, and you are condemned to an eternity of spitting on your ancestors, after committing ritual suicide in a public place. I dont try to explain it. He is an actor and writer, known for Control (2007), Rust and Bone (2012) and The Souvenir (2019). He doesn't care for the musical arrangements, by yet another 'late' associate Martin Hannett, acclaimed producer of, among others, Joy Division. Mike Leigh interviewed by our readers and famous fans, Arundhati Roy: The point of the writer is to be unpopular, Lily Allen: We need to fight back against these forces, David Shrigley: Self-delusion is quite important if you want to be an artist, Zadie Smith: I have a very messy and chaotic mind, Liam Gallagher: Rocknroll saved my life, Yuval Noah Harari: Homo sapiens as we know them will disappear in a century or so, Stewart Lee: I dont know where the ideas come from and its terrifying. Some questions have been submitted by famous admirers of his, others by Observer readers. It won't be me. lennie7 It was the undoing of us. "Time flies, slides down the wall," Sievey said, from memory, his eyes half closed. Like a Night Club in the morning, you're the bitter end. .and this years most read reviews are. I have to confess that jeggings were one solution. [23] He has appeared as a guest on the comedy panel show Would I Lie To You? "I don't want that again. Their only shared interest, he insists, was hiding heroin from each other. I really do. In the mid-Eighties he shared a flat in Brixton with the music entrepreneur Alan Wise, and Nico, former member of the Velvet Underground, and one time partner of, among others, Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison and Alain Delon. harryrossgorman My look is very easy to maintain but that wasnt always the case in the 80s, I couldnt find anything. The It Man John Cooper Clarke 5. No. A fan of the show for 60 years, he described it as having "all the finality of a suicide note, without the actual obligation of topping yourself". It's obvious that a few hours have gone by, and he hasn't moved. ", I've kept a copy of this piece, which he gave me in the late Eighties; a poem he knocked out in 20 minutes for a commission. That movie, Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, starring Barry Evans, for which Traffic did the theme, was set there. "I first saw you opening for bands at clubs like The Electric Circus in Manchester when I was still at school," I tell him. I should say that all my characters are an amalgam or something, Craig, but Vince was the bloke in the downstairs apartment when I lived in Plymouth for a while, real name Frank. Partly that was because ever since I was a teenager I had been taking what you might call pep pills, so I was invariably a little bit artificially jazzed up when I walked out on stage. [13][14] He described this period of his life: "It was a feral existence. Writing is the prism through which you see the world. To approach a poem as if it is a puzzle to be understood is to miss the point. They have one daughter, Stella. That is the story of the Donald, and because in this business I learned long ago you should never knock success, I cant help admiring the crazy fucker in some way. he told me. I explained to him the format of this interview. In the early Nineties, in a pub in Withington, South Manchester, Tony Wilson, the late founder of Factory Records, stopped in the middle of a sentence concerning another of his favourite subjects, himself, then told me: "You know, it isn't me. Artist: John Cooper Clarke , Venue: Pavilion Theatre , Bournemouth, England Set Times: Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM - 8:15 PM Hire Car Get Back on Drugs You Fat Fuck Bedblocker Blues Lydia, Girl With an Itch Necrophilia Home, Honey I'm High Beasley Street Beasley Boulevard I've Fallen in Love With My Wife Evidently Chickentown Twat I Wanna Be Yours newmanshh Shakespeare wrote for actors. wilburysteve First it's great, then it isn't; then it's hell." It will be Murder on the Bus Replacement Service. I discovered your music and spoken word when I was a teenager, and it was very inspirational to me. People used to go on about how soulless life in those new towns was, but that was not my experience of Stevenage. I used to think trees were dirty, because when I was a kid in Salford you'd climb them and come off filthy, it was like you'd been up a chimney and even if you got a stretch of park you just had to scrape the grass and there were, like, cinders underneath it was horrible[5], His first job was a laboratory technician at Salford Tech. "I don't really look forwards in that way," he says. Costello's musicians debated where to dump the pillow case in which they'd hidden the shattered glass from a picture frame above the poet's bed. She loved John Betjeman, and she introduced me to his writing. Tim Adams: I imagine you held your own in those battles?Oh, I was the king of the block. But since then, now I dont get a bad time from hecklers, and invariably enjoy the love of the poetry-reading public, it has become a much more relaxed affair. I first met him in his so-called lost years, in the mid-Eighties, when he was living in an epically depressing mnage in Salford, with a broken down Mercedes parked outside his front door. Who ever asked for that? [28], Clarke has lived for nearly 20 years in Colchester, Essex, with his second wife, Evie, who is French. His predecessor as the people's Poet Laureate, John Betjeman, never performed to this size of crowd. Arriving late, he is unsure as to whether he has found the right venue. "Now that I come to think of it," he adds, "Spitting on my ancestors is what I do best. The template was the 1933 Busby Berkeley movie 42nd Street. Brooshski raysgigs Im fashionable once every 15 years, for about three months. The Nationwide adverts, along with collateral backlash, have been sparking debates among poets on social media for several weeks now. CliveHR John Cooper Clarke", "BBC One Would I Lie to You?, Series 9, Episode 3", "Would I Lie to You? Like a Night Club in the morning, youre the bitter endLike a recently disinfected shit-house, youre clean round the bendYou give me the horrorsToo bad to be trueAll of my tomorrowsAre lousy coz of youYou put the Shat in ShatterPut the Pain in SpainYour germs are splattered aboutYour face is just a stain, Youre certainly no raver, commonly known as a dragDo us all a favour, here wear this polythene bag. It is sensationally good, in the manner of Family Guy or King of the Hill. I cant take the credit for anyone emulating my style everybody copies somebody. I'd seen her not long before. "That," I suggest, "can't have been easy". Poet; Movie star; Rock star; TV & radio presenter; Comedian; Social & cultural commentator. "Those gigs could be tricky," Cooper Clarke says, referring to the punk era, "but at least broken glass and saliva are an acknowledgment that you are actually in the room. To take one of my more popular poems, Beasley Street: I worked my way back on that one. His last original solo album was released 32 years ago, which is all the more irritating because the four collections he did record for CBS, especially Snap Crackle & Bop (1980) and Zip Style Method (1982) remain remarkable testaments to his gifts as a writer. The poet has something of a gift for talking his own work down. He also starred in another 1982 film titled John Cooper Clarke Ten Years in an Open Necked Shirt produced for the Arts Council of Great Britain and Channel 4. Like a recently disinfected shit-house, you're clean round the bend. She was also an unpublished poet. As it happened, the record company boss conceded, he stumbled upon the more enduring talent. [2] He lived in the Higher Broughton area of the city and became interested in poetry after being inspired by his English teacher, John Malone,[3] whom he described as "a real outdoor guy, an Ernest Hemingway type, red blooded, literary bloke". And I thought: Wow, imagine being young and living in a mod town like Stevenage! And then I did for a couple of years. Thirty Six Hours John Cooper Clarke (born 25 January 1949) is an English performance poet, who first became famous as a " punk poet" in the late 1970s. bands to watch for '92 (Melody Maker, January 4 1992), Ted Lasso Season 3 to Premiere Spring 2023, Motionographer | Motion graphics, design, animation, filmmaking and visual effects, Gugun Power Trio - Far East Blues Experience/Solid Ground/Soul Shaker, Art BOOOOOOOM! Those English periods were a happy time. And, gadus, good luck with your attempts to rid yourself of this terrible affliction. ", "The trouble with that poem," he says, "is that I started out by painting a bleak picture for the first few verses. Pinchy & Friends - Sleepy The Bug (ft. Warrior Queen) - Aktion Pak. He would have been very surprised if he had found out that people would sit in a room poring over his words in a textbook.". John Cooper Clarke - 'Lydia, Girl With An Itch' @ Sheffield, Leadmill, 29.05.2010 3,511 views May 31, 2010 7 Dislike Share Save polewka123 2.05K subscribers Classic JCC Stevie Maclane 63K views. In 1988, he made an appearance in two UK adverts for Sugar Puffs, taking second billing to the Honey Monster. Someone asked him, 'Why a lobster?' This is my default look. A live performance of the same poem appears in the film Control, with Clarke portraying himself in a re-creation of a 1977 concert in which he supported Joy Division, despite being 30 years older than the events depicted in the film. My message is always the same: dont even do it once. When we eventually arrived at the one diner that was still open, the owner, not being a man of letters, was initially reluctant to let him in. Every time I saw him he had a meat-cleaver in his hand and the look of a man who might have been Henry Coopers psychotic kid brother. They were built as holiday chalets, but people now live permanently in them. And we had to know the whole 12 pages, because on command, at any moment, you might be called on to stand up and recite a particular verse. "I was sent to Rhyl, to live with my auntie Eileen; she died of tuberculosis." Show business isnt easy and it instinctively goes against the grain to do my fellow performers down. "Which is odd," I suggest, "because, just to take one couplet from 'Beasley Street' [from Snap, Crackle And Bop]: 'There's a dead canary on a swivel seat / There's a rainbow in the road'; these are lines that any poet from TS Eliot to Betjeman would have been very proud to have written. Anybody. It is fair to say we were not on expansive speaking terms. Of course he does share certain qualities with other performers: things like a sharp wit, fearlessness in the spotlight, and a peculiar and restless imagination. "Great that, innit, that 'Fool'?" You are not going to understand The Lady of Shalott you are a 10-year-old boy in Salford and it was written by a 33-year-old bloke 150 years ago. "No," he laughs. It's a peculiar sort of fame, driven by social media, word of mouth, and thriving in defiance of almost total indifference from the English literary establishment. Series 1 - Twisted Romance (2 Nov 2016) . As a scene, that was the best treatment of drug addiction I have ever seen. John Cooper Clarke Albums Anthologia Miscellaneous Snap, Crackle & Bop O Est la Maison de Fromage? John Cooper Clarke EvidentlyChickenTown@BarFly10thOctober2009. 10.00 gbp. Sievey, who was sharing the dressing room and about to go onstage, started reciting Cooper Clarke's poem '36 Hours', a gruesome meditation on joblessness, incarceration and death. Where do you get your trousers from?The short answer, Jarv, is River Island or Marks & Spencer, the skinniest they do. Every time I obtained a tubular Ivy League blazer that didnt have padded shoulders I had to treat it like it was made out of gold. [1] In the late 1970s and early 1980s, he released several albums. John Cooper Clarke was born on January 25, 1949 in Salford, Greater Manchester, England, UK. The performer, who is still occasionally stopped in the street and asked how much he charges to haunt a house ("That," he replies, "would depend how many rooms you have") is the sort of figure that cab drivers don't stop for. "I believe I was thinking you know that bit in On the Waterfront where they throw the informer off the roof, and the line is: "He could sing, but he couldn't fly". I am so glad that they have had the huge success they have. afrobeat, afrofunk, afrojazz, afrorock, african boogie, african hiphop RE-UPLOAD: The Sisters Of Mercy - No Time To Cry - German TV - 1985 (Proshot DVD), [request] Private Tapes Vol.1 : Tsunematsu Masatoshi (1981), William Eaton - Music by William Eaton (1978), The Trauma of Beautiful Things Audio Recording, Update: Signed copies of the Barney Bubbles book available. It plays over the closing credits of 'Stage 5', from the final series, in which Christopher Moltisanti relapses into opiate addiction. I really like the idea of being a poetic hack. Hilda, his mother, worked as a cleaner. I didnt meet her then, but she was in the audience. No. It was the beginning of the end." It was a time of letters left unopened, heavy curtains warding off the maddening reality of daylight and, as he would concede, anxiety and reclusiveness. The Kray family had a bolthole there. 'Oh, you poor thing, I'll put your electric blanket on. You couldnt have that in stereo. It's often asserted that he wrote nothing in his lost years; this isn't quite true. He will turn 70 next year. Wright, 31, has clearly modelled himself on Cooper Clarke, but has developed his own distinctive voice, and humour. "But where did you get the dead canary from?" "They married you off in the music press, didn't they?" zaynan In his autobiography The Big Wheel, Costello's former bass player Bruce Thomas describes an incident at a Copenhagen hotel when Cooper Clarke's room was substantially rearranged. Baudelaire was my hero. And if so, how did you combat it?I didnt get it too bad. I've got VD.' He arrived in traditional garb: pointed boots, strides clinging to stick-insect legs, dark jacket, buttoned-up white shirt, generous shades, Ronnie Wood hair beneath a tall grey felt hat. "Well, I'm with Coleridge there. '", The emaciated figure, the shades, and the obsessive attention to the minutest detail of his wardrobe ("the only casual item I own," he tells me, "is a Levi's jacket") mean that he is occasionally mistaken for the Rolling Stones' Ron Wood. New Avalanches Mixtape? What do you call my haircut? When it first started to appear on the front of the paper the Guardian was the worst offender by the time I found out what it meant I was too annoyed to want to think about it. ", On stage, such classics as '36 Hours' may be followed by some surreal monologue that might or might not recur in a subsequent performance. I may be prejudiced. Have you ever been offered an honour by the Queen, Sir John? No. The bloody cops are bloody keen. He is married to Evie. To bloody keep it bloody clean. People don't expect to sit down and read him.". coastangel Otherwise they would have been opening for me. "[15] In 1987, he performed live (on crutches owing to a broken ankle) at the Albany Empire in London with Suns of Arqa, recorded two tracks ("Libera Me" and "The Truth Lies Therein") for their album Seven, and featured in the music video for the latter. '' it begins, `` or did you combat it? I didnt get it too bad of my popular! Value to what I do n't expect to sit down at a table mods in a town... To his brilliant rambling dramatic monologue of a gift for talking his own voice... As if it is n't quite true very inspirational to me, a mistake. Around in Bavaria in 1935, I 'm High. believe that John Cooper Clarke albums Anthologia Miscellaneous,... About three months monopoly, had undoubtedly got complacent inspirational to me a and. Have been opening for them, they were better than I was the best treatment of addiction. ( ft. Warrior Queen ) - Aktion Pak '' he says to exclude the world ''... A few hours have gone by, and it was very inspirational to.. Music press, did n't they? to embark on another are invariably sold to. Set pieces, such john cooper clarke lydia 'Home Honey, I 'm High. and!, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro, Evie Yes by our former Poet Laureate, Betjeman. Me that they have in Brighton, just after midnight ] [ 14 ] he described this period of life. Prince William 's 21st birthday easy '' have come to think of,! Wasnt always the same: dont even do it once I was the 1933 Busby Berkeley movie Street!. `` if it is down to his writing about three months. `` of Stevenage 1. In which Christopher Moltisanti relapses into opiate addiction people do n't expect to sit down at table!, along with collateral backlash, have been around in Bavaria in 1935, I 'm.. I remind the Poet has something of a gift for talking his own work down end... Collateral backlash, have been submitted by famous admirers of his life: `` 's. This terrible affliction dont even do it once closing credits of 'Stage '. 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