Now, in terms of the project, you are talking about, transit-oriented development is one area where we can utilize to build more housing. Yet, Amemiya apparently did well enough over time to convince her that he was the one. How do you get a change in the economic type of person coming to Hawaii? Theyve had their chance. You have a heart condition, you go to the doctor. My roots are deepest in education, having served as the Executive Director of the Hawaii High School Athletic Association, Executive Administrator and Secretary of the University of Hawaiis Board of Regents, and as a State of Hawaii Board of Education Member. Copyright MidWeek | All rights reserved. We can do other things, and maybe were gonna talk about Sunshine Law before this hour is over, but we need to get more meaningful engagement from the community, not just neighborhood board commission meetings. Fortunately for him, he isnt laboring alone. So prior to that I was getting shuttled from relative to relative, and I was very close to the Kobayashi family. Now, contrast that with the windmills, the wind farms in Kahuku, what I heard from those communities was, Youre not listening to us, we have been showing up in those neighborhood boards, we have been submitting testimony, but the developer wasnt even gonna listen in the first place. Of course, we saw how that was settled. Essentially, they told him that although they had welcomed him into their home and raised him since his early teenage years, he the childhood buddy of their son Christopher and someone whom Bert had frequently coached in youth sports leagues needed to learn to stand on his own. What have they done wrong? What did you change when you were on the commission? Chief Ballard said that HPD cant be compared to police departments on the mainland, that she doesnt believe theres a systemic problem particularly involving racism, perhaps violence and misconduct. One of the cornerstones of his campaign addresses Honolulus severe housing deficit, which he says is 22,000 units short of demand. To fix this issue, hes vowed to curb activities such as illegal vacation rentals, which he argues increases the cost of housing. Im open to that, and I know cities like Singapore place a huge fee or surcharge to even have the right to buy a car. Theres only a few hundred shelter beds available at any one time, so in the meantime, when there is this immediate situation, would you continue enforcement? To remain at our site, click BACK. There were no sparks during their initial encounter, in which they initially found themselves working on opposite sides of a lawsuit. The same can be said for using the states commercial and industrial holdings as potential sites for technology companies in the biotechnology and innovative technology sectors. They should have more ability to investigate wrongdoing in city government. Most importantly, we need to be pau with the reasons why no can and start getting it done. They might, but we dont know. Theyre tired of the same old politicians running for office and making the same type of decisions that arent improving the lives of working-class families. And we need to end that. He also intends to push for more affordable housing projects around Oahu, and lobby the private sector to develop additional residences within the urban core. Weve known about this problem for a long time, and nothings really been done. And they have a lottery system, if Im not mistaken, where not everyone can get a car even if they want to. Mayoral candidate @keithamemiya joins me to discuss all of the issues we as a community are dealing with in the unprecedented time. Homelessness Mental He. Our future generations have been overlooked for far too long, and we need to build our future for them. The additional space at the Hawaii State Hospital is a start, but we need long-term treatment facilities for our communities that dont require someone to hurt another person before they receive care. I think my career has shown that. We have talented local producers and compelling stories to tell that can be part of a regenerative economy. You cant announce a proposal and expect everyone to like it. We need to find a different place for them. Like they went to a neighborhood board, had it on the agenda, three people showed up, it got approved and they moved on. Join Facebook to connect with Keith Amemiya and others you may know. And while he still views tourism as a big part of our economy, Amemiya also believes that greater diversity is required. And I think with all the controversies that have gone on nationally and locally, and the uprisings, nationally and locally, this is the election, I hope, people speak up and vote. There are hardly any services in Chinatown. Father and Mother in Heaven, and is the "elder brother" of all men and spirit beings. Thats a huge amount. Thats what mayors do, thats what leaders do, is find solutions to very difficult situations. Well, theres no good place for homeless people to stay, but Chinatown is not one of the places we should focus on. And there were a certain amount of units for working-class or middle-class and below families. For the very determined Keith Amemiya, the seeds of his disposition were planted the day hnai parents Bert and Harriet Kobayashi sat him down for a heart-to-heart discussion about his future. Theyre experienced in leaving their office to run for another office during the term that theyre sitting in office. We should get homeless out of Chinatown. A huge shot in the arm for your campaign, but also it seems to it also comes with strings attached. I got to meet a lot of people. Given that youre a first time candidate, have you read through it and familiarized yourself with city finances? Reaching out to the public, you need to make sure the public knows. There are many inspirational things happening in different parts of our community that can each help to build exciting opportunities for Hawaiis future. Additionally, he is credited with reuniting the Oahu public and private schools in football after 48 years of separation, a feat many thought was impossible. So as mayor, if you find yourself in the middle of it, what do you say to each of those factions, when people are putting themselves on the line? Well, that was a lot more than three words. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Working closely together, they got to know and like each other. Mental illness is a problem that no one wished upon themselves, they cant help it, and I was frustrated Im still frustrated at the lack of services, the lack of awareness, the lack of priority by government to address that concern. We need to do all of that, because housing is in short supply on the island. Over time, yes, you realized something was amiss with her. And the unions are aware, Ive spoken to HGEA in particular and they know that change needs to be made. Keith Amemiya is a candidate in the 2020 Honolulu mayoral election.. Well, we need to do what we can to find them alternative places to live. The real property tax assessments in the upcoming year, we cant assume or shouldnt assume that theyre gonna go down significantly. She was living independently, but clearly needed help. I would need to think about it through, but Im inclined to say yes. We need to do more proactive engagement with the community. I think thats a great opportunity to look at retooling the jobs that they did, modernizing the jobs that they did and making it more efficient. Their first date was dinner at a nondescript sports bar in Honolulu. I had an office in the downtown area and it just wasnt a good environment for the homeless or the Chinatown merchants and shop-goers. And thats why Im running. The city had approximately $200,000,000 in reserve in the prior fiscal year. Ive been an executive in several areas in the private sector, the public sector, the non-profit sector. What are you gonna do about this very fundamental problem? There were cell block beatings, the scandal where they were selling food out of the police stations kitchen that was meant for prisoners, things like that were happening. Paid for by Amemiya for Mayor, P.O. Because from what I see, youve been a director of a non-profit and you work at an insurance company, but youve got no direct experience in government, no direct experience in a for-profit business. PHOTOS COURTESY KEITH AMEMIYA. I mean, I cant blame it all on government. I dont have to point that out. Can I ask, you do talk openly about your mom's mental illness, and I know that must have been very difficult for you. I do believe that whenever Hawaii has an opportunity to be the worlds leader in a field, when we can further the discovery of our universe, and when we can create more high paying jobs on Hawaii Island, we need to strongly consider it. Ive led large statewide organizations. Keith, I wanted to talk about the movement at Mauna Kea, because it has sparked a movement on every island, especially here on Oahu. Additionally, state government operates in silos much too often. We met, we first met when I was running high school sports, and weve kept in contact since. Executive Director, Central Pacific Bank Foundation. And unless you provide specifics, I dont remember any major controversies at the time involving the police chief or the police department. Those are three areas we can be successful in, but it takes political will, explains Amemiya. We need to automate, first and foremost. Hawaiis cost of living is hurting our families and communities. And I dont know if those two are fully being utilized under the current constraints of the commission. Its pretty powerful people that are very well connected, and very entrenched, you might even say, Are you really your own man, or are other people pushing you to take this job? Yes, its gonna cost money to the city in terms of more sewage and more water infrastructure and the like, but I like to tell people, they ask me, How can we afford to? And I say, How can we afford not to? The longer we delay these tough decisions, the harder its gonna get to build more housing. We need them to succeed. "I'm running for. But now were at a critical point in our citys history, and its time to step up. Why my dad is a great leader | Keith Amemiya for Honolulu . And we saw first-hand that the incidences of domestic violence were already increasing. I was heavily involved in that project, it was a project involving the state, the city, the non-profit sector, and we were able to build, in rather short order, 150 homes housing 600 people, 150 families that were previously homeless, and there are plans in the works to build more of those. When I was in charge of the (HHSAA), I had the opportunity to visit every community on this island. Now, of course, we have to balance it with the needs and the capability of the employer, and especially with COVID hitting us, we need to look at whats fair. Whoever was involved in the project before the construction started. And thats one of the first priorities that I want to take. Amemiya donated thousands to Mayor Kirk Caldwell's political campaigns. He excelled on camera as an appealing British everyman who often portrayed guileless, wounded war heroes. I added several female sports that didnt exist before, whether its girls golf prior to that, the girls have to compete with the boys for the championship, that was unfair. Are you the candidate thats going to end homelessness on Oahu once and for all? I wanted to switch gears over to rail, and I know Daryl, you wanted, you had several questions on the rail project. It wouldnt make sense to force a $20 an hour minimum wage when companies will shut down because they cant afford to pay their workers, but I do favor a serious look at increasing wages for our front line workers. The project has a least another five or six years, I think, to completion. At a time when we could face a financial struggle in the city government, you mentioned building more infrastructure and allowing more density in the urban core for affordable housing? Where do the previous administrations fail, though cause everyone says, we need more affordable housing. His mother suffered from mental illness and Keith was brought up by various relatives until he moved in with a friend whose father, Bert T. Kobayashi Jr., became Keith's hnai father. When I joined the HHSAA, I saw glaring inequity that our female student athletes were having less opportunities to compete in sports. Now, criminality, I dont know, Im not willing to say that. So Im in support of that. [11][12][13] Blangiardi won the runoff with 58.2% of the vote. It is important that we come from a place in these discussions of knowing and respecting that wahi pana. The contracts were not as airtight as they could have been with the various developers and suppliers of the project, and it just was a mess from the beginning. Dutifully, Amemiya accepted the Kobayashis decision even though at the time, he had no idea what it took to be a young, responsible adult with everything resting on his shoulders. One of the very first guests to their home was former Molokai High standout Kalei Adolpho, who wound up starring in basketball and volleyball at University of Hawaii at Mnoa. Lack of political will. There within these hubs, he envisions a city within a city thats full of housing, retail outlets, grocery stores, restaurants and entertainment all within a walkable, bikeable distance of the rail station, and where we can decrease our reliance on cars., During the early stages of the COVID-19 shutdown, Amemiya helped organize delivery of 14,000 meals at Palolo and Kauluwela elementary schools. Especially during these difficult economic times, its critical that they have the resources needed to continue their important work in helping people get back on their feet.. I am the only candidate who has a detailed plan to clean up corruption so that we can focus on the critical issues facing working families statewide, such as affordable housing, homelessness, and climate change. They married in 1996 and have a son. What was your connection to that project? Amemiya is a member of a number of boards, including the Aloha Stadium Authority, Marcus Mariotas Motiv8 Foundation, and Assets School. Im clearly my own man, and I do know all those people, but none of them asked me to run for office. All rights reserved,, Copyright 2022, Central Pacific Bank. We know how it worked out, now Sherwoods is finally off the table, but it seemed like people were listening and reaching out in the community. The state needs to work with the counties to ensure zoning regulations help support development for residential housing. Keith Amemiya [2][3][4] is an American business executive and politician who ran in the 2020 Honolulu mayoral election,[5][6] and in 2022 for lieutenant governor of Hawaii. By participating in online discussions you acknowledge that you have agreed to the Terms of Service. Wow. Homelessness is a complicated problem, as we all know. Young people are leaving our state in alarming numbers, and we cant attract and retain essential workers because Hawaii is simply not affordable. I first met Kalei when she was in middle school and, because she couldnt get the type of training and player development she needed on Molokai, Bonny and I agreed to let her live with us, explains Amemiya. Yes, Im frustrated like everyone else at the rail progress thus far. Well, we need to get out of our cars and car pool. Cory Lum/Civil Beat. How do you answer those two questions? I support Hawaii Tourism Authoritys movement to Huliau or transform towards a kamaina-driven visitor model, focused on bringing the right visitors that are respectful and mindful of their impact on the local community. What did that experience teach you about mental illness that other people could learn from, and how will it affect your ability to deal with the terrible mental illness problems we have in this city? And one of the initiatives I wanna undertake as mayor is to create an Office of Community Engagement, and that offices job is to go out in the community and speak to people way ahead of any project thats gonna be proposed. Yeah, maybe because of COVID and less revenue and so forth, but they havent even found that (public-private partnership), that P3 person to take on or company to take on those last couple of miles to Ala Moana, as well as the 30-year operating. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Keith Amemiya . bike to work, walk to work, catch the bus to work. Keith, one of the major contributors here to the carbon, to our carbon footprint, is road transportation. Most recently joining iHeart Media Honolulu as premiere sponsors of The Salvation Armys "Rescue Christmas" program - supporting their mission to provide help and hope to those most in need in Hawaii. Im running for lieutenant governor because Im concerned for Hawaiis future. And put all hands on deck. Can you tell us a little bit about that? And we exponentially increased the amount of college scholarship opportunities for girls. I know the Hawaii Community Foundation has been helping a lot, Aloha United Way has helped a lot, the Hawaii Foodbank, and just us as a citizenry, we always come through for each other. You know it is what it is, you know. Im hoping theres another infusion, but in the interim, we need to use our resources in the non-profit industry. Why cant we testify via Skype, like I said, or Facetime? You say that you want to restore trust in government. And by the way, Civil Beat has reported over the years on a lot of bad cops. And people only started to protest when they actually saw the bulldozers come in, and at that time, the mayor, perhaps expressing some tone deafness on his part, did not want to stop the project. We bought a unit in the open market, we bought it for our son, we paid market rate in the hopes, hes in college now, we bought it in the hopes that when hes done with college, he comes back home and has a place to stay. Some of them are quiet, working-class. Keith, what's your favorite song and why? Its not for personal gain, for wealth or fame, but its to fix problems and make the community better.. In addition to creating long-term housing that our families can actually afford, the state has neglected supporting the mental health needs of our community. At the time, he was a young civil litigation attorney and Bonny (formerly Suzui) was the CFO of a local fast food chain. You know, I dont know if its the citys role to tell them what to do, but I do know the hotels are already planning for climate change and sea level rise. You need to get input, and when you get input early on from everybody, you hear the different viewpoints, you modify the proposal. This advertisement is published with the approval and authority of the candidate. The Jazz said Hundley died at his home in the Phoenix area. Submit your coronavirus news tip. Number two, requiring an affirmative duty of an officer to intervene if a fellow officer is engaged in wrongdoing, especially in the use of physical force. CPB Foundations support allows us to provide a comprehensive continuum of substance abuse treatment services for those in our community most in need. Former Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz developed a team to pursue federal funding, something we should reconstitute to secure the billions needed for our state. Well, Airbnbs were primarily used by people who were trying to avoid Everybody says the same thing. Inspired by the example set by his hnai family following his biological parents divorce when he was 10, Amemiya has graciously opened up his home to neighbor island athletes over the past two decades. Werent you part of that same culture, and how are you different from the commission that basically screwed it up? I basically doubled the amount of female sports opportunities during my tenure. Priorities such as building water and infrastructure capacity for housing, down payment assistance, and investing in diversified industries are all important for our continued economic recovery. So what specific steps would you take to do that? Everyone has some relative or friend who has mental illness, and its its like any other illness. Keith, when was the last time you changed your mind about something important? Well, it was clearly incompetence. Over the last ten years, the state legislature has failed on many of the issues that matter most to people in Hawaii affordable housing, homelessness, the cost of living, climate change, and protecting our environment. Would you be willing to freeze or reduce city worker salaries, for example? Im for open communication, transparency, we need to make it easier for people to have their say, and technology has proven that you can do it. Keith, nobody puts no experience on their resume. The current administration, the city is undergoing a climate action plan. Since then, the family has lived a rather ordinary life within the walls of their Pauoa home. Would you continue that practice. We wanted to move along to some questions about police. I read through it, but to be honest, I cant memorize it line by line. Lowering the cost of housing for working families. I had to work multiple jobs bussing tables, working as a legal messenger and unloading shipping containers for a trucking company. Were gonna talk about it, we wanna hear your view points. A clear, number one, we didnt flip it for a profit even though we could have done so. They had a lot of engagement in the community that said, We dont want it. And the developer said, Well, too bad. Bert and Harriet were great role models for me. I created a separate girls golf as a sport. And I think you also need to have a zero tolerance for corruption. While their stays are at best only over the summers and school breaks, these student-athletes are no doubt appreciative of the generosity demonstrated by the Amemiyas. Is the money gonna be there for that, for a lot of infrastructure, for the city to pay for it? But clearly the current systems not working, and when I ran high school sports in Hawaii, and it was obviously a state-wide organization, it sounds simple, but it worked, in my opinion very well. Why cant we have online submittal, or registering for testimony? Its hard to make ends meet. What would you look at cutting, what city services? Theyre trying to find a contract with a group of companies that would not only build the last stage of the rail, but also will maintain it and run it for the next 30 years at a price that is affordable to the city. And as the mayor, you can control a couple of things in that regard. The green passport, I believe Ive heard that term used. To leave our site for the link you selected, click PROCEED. Our vision is to be a leader in shaping a more vital and thriving Hawaii as the foundation for future generations. I mean, theyre all lumped together and its huge, huge concerns, and theyre lumped together and they both have the same solution. For the past 10 years, the CPB Foundation played a leading role in supporting The Salvation Army with their Angel Tree Campaign and 4-Corner Red Kettle Challenge. Work with community organizations to go beyond just saying no and move into envisioning what we are willing and wanting to say yes to affordable housing in their communities. In supporting my mother and her challenges with mental health, I have seen firsthand the lack of resources needed for individuals and families. People need jobs, theyre gonna need money when the federal money starts running out. And also Governor Ige came out and said that was a failed policy. In one of your flyers, you said: Political leaders have failed our people, that leadership of the past did not work. Youre talking about the failure to communicate with communities. I think hes very gifted in that way. Amemiya, 54, has made the story of his upbringing a central part of his campaign. Many people before me have helped me. We need to look at maybe elongating the financing of the rail project, but we need to finish the rail project. Theres no debate about that, in probably some things will have to be cut. If anything, people on the community level, in the working class level, theyve asked me to run up for office for years and years, and I resisted for various reasons. This is an economic situation changing by the week, changing by the month, its unprecedented. Were not extremely close, but we know each other. So I dont wanna speculate. And its important to work well with state government; we have a small state, where everyone knows each other. The overturning of Roe v. Wade is a tragic blow to a womans right to choose and has dangerous implications to other civil rights and freedoms in our country. When I served on the commission, Chief Kealoha wasnt the chief and I wasnt involved in the selection of Chief Kealoha. What did you do about that issue when you were actually there? thats the closest I can get. Yeah, we know you from high school, we know about Island Holdings, and you left that company, youre no longer with that company. Take to do all of that same culture, and is the quot. Diversity is required it done Amemiya apparently did well enough over time to step up the! Central part of his campaign addresses Honolulus severe housing deficit, which says. Prior to that I want to student athletes were having less opportunities to compete in sports homelessness is complicated! Tolerance for corruption happening in different parts of our cars and car pool years, I think, to.... 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