out.". Newman makes abig speech in from the judge, saying,"You see, it'd been his lifelong dream to be a banker, and he uh, just the day before he was turned down by another bank. Next! Its a moment that shows Elaines sadism, and her selfish need to prove a point gets the chef sent back to Argentina. I'd like another one. Cinnamon. "And therein lies the tragedy. Across nine seasons, Seinfeld featured its fair share of unwieldy monologues that actors like Jason Alexander and Wayne Knight knocked out of the park. She refuses to let anything go, and when a woman refuses to give her a square of toilet paper in a stall, Elaine takes it to heart. ". Always ahead of her time, Elaine was talking openly about birth control when it was still a pretty taboo topic on TV. KRAMER: All rright let's get some gum or something. What's in it?" KRAMER: Hey, anybody got change for a hundred? If this how dictator's start. ELAINE: Because it's rude, otherwise. Hence the joke in The Tape, when the men are sent wild trying to track down the woman who left a sexy voice note on Jerrys tape recorder. going to be upset because I didn't bring anything. I'm a little scared of her. Sports stories have long tended to focus on the greats. GEORGE: All right, I'll tell you what, why don't you go into the store Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Um, you sold us a cake It's strange, two guys in shorts competing for a belt. However, the actor that played the iconic sitcom role, John O'Hurley, apparently remembers them all. What are some of your favorite memories from the show? So when ol Puddy is proud of his new fur jacket, Elaine doesnt hesitate to make her distaste known. Let's go but something. OHurley says he remembers them all, and why wouldnt he? The worst place in the world. every word of this story is true" [exits to street] " Are they typing up in the crow's nest of a clipper ship? GEORGE: Hey, hey that's great! I think we all would have At least she didnt go bald. The Soup Nazi said that now that his recipes are out, he's not gonna make any more soup. At least you've got a coat. Is Brian Cox Allowed to Be Saying All This? When the gang come up against the Soup Nazi, Elaine is warned not to piss him off, lest they get banned for life from eating his delicious soup. In the season 4 episode The Pick, a supermodel that Jerry is dating loses interest in him after she believes shes seen him picking his nose at a red light while waiting in traffic. little string. [Man with cane puts cane on Elaine's foot]. Kenny Loggins Is Cutting Loose From Touring, Madonna May Own a French Painting Thought to Have Been Destroyed in WWI. GEORGE: So you really understand my point about building a rocket and Its like a Jeep. And to emphasize her point, she adds: Its hideous!. Seinfeld is full of extremely iconic Newman moments wherein Newman dazzled the viewers with his fast-paced monologues and dramatic acting. Nobody takes better care Back at his apartment, Kramer assures Jerry, There isnt., What follows is a hysterically blunt take on the time-tested but overrated institution of marriage: You wake up in the morning shes there. I think I'll get it. Well, let me earn my wings every day. That was the difference and that was what made the show so different. He produced early works for Kathryn Bigelow, Terrence Malick, and Jason Reitman. GEORGE: You mean just going there because I'm invited, that's rude? letters at the dinner table. The first episode established some of its strengths as an ensemble piece, featuring Jason Alexander as George and Michael Richards as Kramer (then Kessler) alongside Seinfeld. very stupid. It should be on tables at restaurants along with salt and Whereas George pushed women, children, and the elderly out of his way to avoid a fire he started, Kramer stole a bus, drove across town, and fought off a mugger to salvage his girlfriends severed pinky toe. if we didn't bring wine. GEORGE: All right, all right. ELAINE: Wait until I get my hands on that George. In that light, she strongly suggests you pick up Said's Orientalism or Beauvoir's Second Sex. JERRY: You see that's not fair. Stop here. minutes for you people? Terms of Service apply. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Seinfeld: Newman's 10 Most Dramatic Monologues, Ranked, Seinfeld: 10 Best Kramer & Newman Episodes, Wayne Knight's Newman is regarded as one of the most indelible characters, finest performance by a recurring character on, Seinfeld: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit), Newman felt obligated to defend his challenging work environment, Best Newman Episodes of Seinfeld, Ranked According to IMDB. make up stories to get ahead in line at bakeries. I'm serious, let's pack it in. Still, things end up going awry: When the man next to her in coach falls asleep, she, in a perfect showcase of that infamous Elaine Benes tact, screams HEY! down his ear. What are we getting'? I say, if this is where we're at after 50,000 years of civilization, let's just give up. ELAINE: Well,, this is a little awkward, isn't it? . We went to the Moon but still somehow wound up carrying little bags of dog doody around with us. When Elaine doesnt like something, she makes no secret of it. Before things get out of hand, Kramer cuts in and jolts his friend back to reality. From George's beached whale story to Kramer's thoughts on marriage, Seinfeld has some of the most memorable sitcom monologues of all time. The female body is a work of art, Elaine explains. KRAMER: George, there's a news stand right over there. The character had this tremendous arc to it. A pair of jeans and an Oxford button down and sneakers. You see what I'm saying? . GEORGE: Did you ever see her lose her temper. Perhaps Julia Louis-Dreyfus all-time greatest display of physical comedy occurs in the Seinfeld classic The Little Kicks. The Season 8 episodes title refers to Elaines own bizarre style of dancing at a party with her co-worers, which George describes as a full body dry heave set to music. Her embarrassment affects her beyond the office, however, after she uses Jerrys camcorder to record the routine, taping over a bootleg movie that gets sold on the city streets. . ELAINE: What is wrong with my hair? . But the full effect comes across best whenever she tries it on an unsuspecting victim, or when she shoves Jerry completely into another room upon hearing news of Georges engagement. Kramers retelling of this story is just as thrilling as it would be if audiences got to see it on-screen if not more so. They gave me a copy of the catalog. Excuse me. GEORGE: Hey, hey What are you doing? The Subway. To cure the terrible back pain she suffers the next day, Elaine goes overboard with a muscle relaxant that turns her into a stumbling mess who performs a cartoonish Marlon Brando impression for a woman named Stella and only makes things even worse at an already problematic dinner held to honor Jerrys father. Benes. Which sounds like you could go Kennedy. Or as she says in a dreamy, breathy voice: Elaine. and I'll wait in the car? COME ON OUT. It throws my hips off kilter. GEORGE: I am not buying something just to get change. Elaine: We, there are always a few. JERRY: Uhm, The thing about eating the Black and White cookie, Elaine, 0:00 / 2:19 Seinfeld Newman's Bicycle Verdict TheStochasticBrother 2.65K subscribers Subscribe 5.7K Share 808K views 11 years ago Newman applies the Judgment of Solomon to solve a dispute. Kramer Breaks Up With Ellen (And Then Reunites With Her) 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. When Jerry refuses, Newman boils with rageand warns his neighborof his impending doom. Elaine doesn't mince her words, and in "The Apology," when Jerry asks for her honest opinion on what's wrong with his body, she immediately tells him: "chicken wing shoulder blades." When he. ago Yes! He could be one of the guys who Watch on. Elaine never gives up, like a true role model. roots out. a jerk YOU are. cake box. Elaine gets stuck on the train on her way to a lesbian wedding, quickly getting into an awkward conversation with a woman that leads her to yell: I hate men, but Im not a lesbian! It gets funnier with an inner monologue as Elaine is pressed up against a load of people, showcasing the best of her internal rage: Why couldnt I take a cab? bakery. All right, look at all this stuff. This is clear in The Susie, when Peterman believes that Susie and Elaine are two different people (theyre not). Put some shoes by the bottom of the pants, I want to make sure. 313. big hood over his little head, tie the string and suffocate him. You either have grace or you dont, the woman tells her, leading Elaine into an increasingly bleak series of admissions: I like to think I have a little grace Okay, fine, I have no grace I have no intention of getting grace Look, I dont have grace, I dont want grace, I dont even say grace!. I can tell. Why don't we get them a couch? So, she does what any sane person would do: Heads . It's cold out here huh? And now, Amiens is asking the Material Girl to lend the tableau back. Elaine loves to make herself laugh. Former SNL star Julia Louis-Dreyfus (who also went on to lead the Veep cast and join the Marvel movies) earned one of her 11 Emmy Awards for playing Jerrys vivacious and slightly off-kilter ex-girlfriend, who contributed to many of the long-running NBC sitcoms most hilarious moments. ELAINE: Oh, wait a minute. You remember David Fricke Isnt Weekend Update Material, The reference is lost on most people, James Austin Johnson explained. would circle the block six times looking for a spot? It just keeps coming and coming and coming, there's never a let-up. Come on, let's go. taking a number) are you going to wait here? A monologue of when Elaine is upset about her. The Show Explores Dating And Human Behavior Via Elaine's Storylines While Jerry, George, and Kramer all dated during Seinfeld, the focus was often on the attractive women they wanted to woo, or how insecure and nervous George was about his sex life. Elaine, you just do it. She was getting pissed off because of he was putting everything onto her that was supposed to be his. We'd be shunned by society. They should have the boxers come into the ring in little cars, drive around a little bit, eventually there's an accident. If the plane crashes, everyone in first class will die anyway, she reasons aloud. #6: Elaine's Angry Inner Monologue "The Subway" Since Seinfeld is set in New York City, we were bound to get an episode set on the sprawling subway system. Your lawyer should insist on it. We have to bring something. . It's a wonderful We were here ahead of all these people. I once had a hair in my Farina and I freaked out. They're all made up. One of Elaines best moments also shows off Julia Louis-Dreyfuss superb talent for physical comedy. Which made him even more fun. Junior.. I'm At a glimpse, Jerry Seinfeld has good intentions in "The Cafe" when he notices the struggling eatery. KRAMER: I'm freezing. Once again, Jerry refuses and Newman threatens him with dire consequences. 22. Its ridiculous! she cries: This is America! It escalates to a full-blown fight (involving her throwing Georges hat away, out of spite! Following a dog with a little scooper. We got wine. It will just take a second. sectional. But the more you get it out, the more it keeps coming in!. GEORGE: I know that's why I bought them but they're not comfortable. "Excuse me, there's no animated pirates or bears along the way here. He's a doctor. It's February. Cinnamon takes a back seat to no Bobka. The male body is utilitarian its for getting around. . Is their office screwed to the back of a flatbed truck going down the highway or something? As if it makes difference, like you're going to go, "Oh that flight. David and Seinfeld were both keen never to reignite Jerry and Elaines love story, but they still felt pressure from studio heads to revisit their past liaisons. CLERK: Well wait outside. ), and the ordeal even turns into a story in the paper. JERRY: So listen Elaine, when we get up to the door, you , you hold the As Babu Bhatt praises his only customer, Jerry . Big trouble. DOES GEORGE: Cinnamon? ". The pair attempt to keep their friendship intact while working out strict rules for sexual relations which will also benefit Elaine, and giving a woman sexual agency on TV in that way was unheard of. GEORGE: Somebody double parked, we couldn't help it. ", "He's the best. CLERK: What I this a hundred? They said, We just want him to sound the way the catalog is written. It was long adventure story about an Oxford button down. And once again, Kramer is forced to end his rant. Seinfeld fans were divided on The Finale, which ended with the gang being solemnly taken to jail for breaking the Good Samaritan law, but Newman gets a great monologue early in the episode. Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day. . Seinfeld Elaine Monologue - YouTube A monologue of when Elaine is upset about her neighbor ignoring her in Seinfeld the TV series. Elaine's internal monologue in the sauna is great. and running. The chief bee keeper was this horrible hag of a woman with gnarled teeth and a giant wart that she called a nose. The hat with the flaps makes a statement The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Cluck, puk cluck? We had that Bobka! After having a terrible time attempting to sleep on Jerrys parents sofa bed (and getting her back hurt in the process), Elaine ends up on muscle relaxants at Jerrys dads recommendation. For instance, in Seinfelds seventh season, she discovers that the Today sponge - her preferred contraceptive - is in limited supply and then forces her boyfriend, Billy (future Gilmore Girls cast member Scott Patterson), to prove why he is deserving of its use in a conversation with all the tension of a job interview. Well, that may not mean anything to you, but that means a lot to me. . I saved your life. Wave to the cart people, Timmy. Too scary. The shove the entire visual of someone so tiny, shaking all her tall friends in their place never fails to be funny. It was Richard Kind and Corbin Bernsen and Stephen Tobolowsky, and we had just been canceled by ABC. "All right, all right. Can you comprehend it? All right, lets go deeper what kind of man are you? put up your . JERRY: Just what you want to see, yeah. ELAINE: You sold us a hair with a cake around it. BARBARA: I'm on my way over there right now. The show was ordered to series by NBC on the condition that they added a woman, and thus Julia Louis-Dreyfus was cast as Elaine Benes, Jerrys ex-lover and current friend. Elaine eventually confesses to George that it was her, and hes horrified to find himself attracted to her, proving that sexy is all a matter of perception. The entire time the cunning mailman gloats about almost losing a game of Risk to Kramer, and claiming no-labelboxes full of stuff downat the post office. Previously, he wrote for Taste of Cinema, Comic Book Resources, and BabbleTop. like no other hat makes. And instead of trying to tell them his next assignment, I just said, Oh forget about it. My osteopath says it's Do your legs work at all? George refuses to reveal his ATM code to anybody, including his fiance Susan, in season 7s The Secret Code. As soon as Kramer finds out how secretive he is about his ATM code, he starts probing Georges mind to deduce what it could be. ELAINE: Somebody put a cane on my foot. Youre just taking up space. I use Prell, the hard stuff. When taking the subway to a wedding, her train suddenly stops, igniting an enraged, expletive-laced projection of her inner thoughts that we hear over voice over. You'd go around in a circle. In "The Lip Reader," Newman suspectsthe newpostal service supervisor who works behinda glassof scheming against him. RELATED:Seinfeld: 10 Best Kramer & Newman Episodes. Remember that ride? Now Newman isn't the kind of person who's discreet with his kindness, and while he understandably needs Kramer as an alibi to contest the speeding ticket,Kramer has a doctor's appointment scheduled the same day. Ever keen to quell her friends paranoia, Elaine chips in: Ive yada yadad sex. It leads to this all-timer of an exchange: ELAINE: I met this lawyer, we had dinner, we had the lobster bisque, we went back to my place, yada yada yada, I never heard from him again.JERRY: But you yada yada-d over the best part!ELAINE: No, I mentioned the bisque. I said,It sounds a little bit like a 40s radio drama combined with a little bit of a bad Charles Kuralt. ELAINE: Okay, fine, we'll just wait until she calls the number. Die! It all culminates in her screaming I HATE IT! and, ultimately, getting fired. GEORGE: This week. Can you stop off at the bakery? Just because they have a ticket doesn't and Chardonnay . GEORGE: Sorry, it's a new coat. ELAINE: Ring Dings? While the abstinence works in his favor, it turns Elaine into intelligent who can barely finish a complete sentence and is easily amused by a spinning tire display at an auto body shop. This isn't a hangout. In a featurette packaged with the special features in the Season 6 DVD release of "Seinfeld," Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld explained the true story of . Everybody else I'm giving Tic Tacs. ELAINE: No, but they got the chocolate. is richer and fruitier. But the breaking points of Seinfeld characters rarely make any real-world sense: When Elaine tells Peterman that Susie committed suicide, she gets tasked with running a foundation in Susies honor, leading her to scream: SUZE!! . . Famously, NBC ordered Seinfeld creators Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld to add a principal female character to the cast of the show after feeling it was too "male . not a society. Instead of writing in short form, they got a chance to write these long, pensivemonolgouesthatPetermanwould go off on. ELAINE: You know we were here ahead of you. 1 show on television? a hair in my farina." When some other women try to convince Elaine to have a baby, she changes the subject, before mocking them to her friends later on. She then tries to sneak into first class, and its a great example of her impatience, as we see a repeat of her inner ranting from The Subway. (See No. In The Stand-In, Louis-Dreyfus gets around pesky TV censorship rules first with a hilarious wide-eyed stare at the it he took out, and then again with brilliant, deliberate emphasis when she explains the whole thing to Jerry. Every day it piles up more and more and more. I knew we should have gone to the bakery. Thirty years ago today, Seinfelds very first episode, The Seinfeld Chronicles, aired. And whenever a friend refers a doctor they say, "Make sure that you tell him that you know me." KRAMER: Because I wanted to look good for the party. ELAINE: Yeah. Neil Armstrong should have said, "That's one small Jerry meets the iconic first baseman at a gym and promptly starts hanging out with him. Elaine driving monologue from Seinfeld. the earth. The monologue ends with a great punchline when an incredulous George asks, You did all this for a pinky toe? and Kramer quips, Well, its a valuable appendage.. ELAINE: No, we've already got this. You would be gone for the rest of eternity. Modeled and motion captured Elaine from Seinfeld on my iPhone. The two-part episode The Boyfriend uses guest star Keith Hernandez for a hilarious storyline about the difficulties of making new friends as an adult. cold. In the previous season, Elaine had an exchange with another one of Jerrys girlfriends that proved especially (and hilariously) awkward for him. What do you need a paperweight for? JERRY: Hey, what happened to your coat? I took it off. And I did. Now everything Maybe someone will come watch that.". I love you! cold. In 2019 women talking about masturbation on TV is par for the course, but in 1992, it was so taboo that they could barely allude to it. Elaine especially hates her male cohorts, and shes not afraid to show it. Is someone somewhere saying to their friend, "You should see my doctor, he's the worst. Jerry: Of course, I guess, maybe, some little problems could arise. That's very nice. I was privy to the stuff that was going on. It was the Friars Club episode. ELAINE: Um, okay, we got the cake now. Elaine: Devastating. having sex with AMPUTEES! Seinfeld (1989-1998) Episode: The Marine Biologist (1994) TV-PG | 23 min | Comedy 9.2 Rate George starts dating a college friend who, thanks to Jerry, thinks George is now a marine biologist. GEORGE: Look at this? In Seinfeld's finale episode, when Newman learned Jerry and his pals were leaving on a private jet to Paris, he tried everything to tag along with the gang. ELAINE: Oh, yeah, right, that's something I do all the time, right. white. Is it possible that a head could reject a hair transplant? KRAMER: All right but I am going to have to pay you back latter I don't JERRY: I once got Happy new Year in July. He had a British accent though. I wanted them to come over to me after and go, "We think you may have something close to super-hearing. GEORGE: All right we got the wine. 'Seinfeld' Star Reveals the Wild J. Peterman Monologue the Show Cut. If Elaine doesnt like something, she finds it very difficult to hide her true feelings. Its no secret that Elaine is difficult its part of her charm. I can sit in the car and not get Things you buy through our links may earnNew Yorka commission. Stop here. From Georges beached whale story to Kramers thoughts on marriage, Seinfeld has some of the most memorable sitcom monologues of all time. ", And I love the sign in the airplane bathroom. better than vanilla and chocolate And yet somehow racial harmony eludes An even funnier example of Elaine exhibiting infantile behavior on Seinfeld occurs when she accompanies Jerry to Florida to visit his parents, who can only offer her an extremely uncomfortable pull-out sofa to sleep on. This guy's the best." The first time I read the script, I sat down at the table read and go, This is the No. Outcasts! Took. She even tries infiltrating a first class spot and just barely succeeds before being forced back into a sleepless nightmare at 30,000 feet. Nothing. leave everyone horrified, but it takes Elaine seeing herself on tape to realize the true depravity of her dancing, which George aptly calls a full-body dry heave set to music.. In The Bizarro Jerry, she finally branches out to make new, less uncouth friends but later learns that shes just as bad. The pair recently shot a pilot for The Travel Channel called Uncommon Goods, which he describes as a show about the two of us looking for unusual things around the world.. . Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter, John O'Hurley still remembers every one of his crazy monologues: "Sadly, most of them were cut from the show.". I thought they were having a little tte--tteoffice time. They're going in first with the last Bobka. It was brilliant. Theres never a let-up, its relentless. The real problem it that you have two guys fighting who have no prior argument. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. Now,Newmancould have kept it simple, but he had to crank his performance up a notch, prompting the judge to ask if his over-the-top performance was really necessary. . It's Gore-Tex. of here? I've always thought that as well. He went from this self-absorbed man of style to this raving corporate lunatic. While waiting for her boyfriend at the movie theater, Elaine learns from an usher that her boyfriend has been injured in a car accident. bad for my spine. . car that's double parked and we're just waiting for the guy to pull out. GEORGE: Ill tell you, if I was running for office I would ask for the . Seinfeld had some of the best writing in sitcom history, with cast members like Jason Alexander and Wayne Knight to knock monologues out of the park. Huh, no way wine By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. The misfortune convinces her she has assumed an existence similar to George, who has instead been on top of the world since adopting a new way of life. Why didn't you get chocolate? She bites her lip (kinda) while the other characters skirt around it, but eventually she caves and throws it out the window after screaming YOURE BALD! in his face. If we pick, do we not bleed? GEORGE: Maybe it's not even stupidity. is you want to get some black and some white in each bite. You never see a guy take a suit off the rack, put his head behind the collar, and go, "What do you think about this suit? way they acted? Rob Schneiderwas playing my hard of hearing assistant. JERRY: Well, I'm not going to eat a cake with a hair on it. Where are George and Kramer? . And you gotta get it out but the more you get it out the more it keeps coming in. Elaine's dating life allowed the show to go in a more serious direction. When Kramer fell head-over-heels in love with Jerry's girlfriend, Pam, hetakesrefugein his friend, Newman who used dramatic words to describe the situation at hand. GEORGE: It's not real. People get spaces this good, they never give Wooh! What you heard was a cotton ball touching a piece of felt. ELAINE: CHOCOLATE BOBKA! I can't change a hundred. In "The Old Man," when Newman and Kramer asked Jerry if he had any old records lying around for their latest get-rich-quick scheme,George wasprompted to ask what Newman did for a living. "Beep, beep. KRAMER: Because I don't like to carry my wallet. Its less about the politics around fur as she says to George, Eh, anti-fur. He was always standing along the back and taking it all in. JERRY: and a black and white cookie, for me. And where are these people working that the papers are just blowing right off of their desks anyway? Elaine is on her train, and a woman strikes up a casual conversation, who is shocked when Elaine shares that she is on her way to a lesbian wedding. Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. She goes so far as to pretend not to have seen it in order to impress her boss, Peterman, but when theyre at the theater together, she explodes with an impassioned rant: Quit telling your stupid story, about the stupid desert, and just die already! Noisey caught up with the now-retired "Seinfeld" composer Jonathan Wolff to find out how he crafted the iconic music, which was different for each episode.Wolff used Seinfeld's opening monologue in every episode as the melody for the changing theme. I drink Pepsi. What was the casting process like for Seinfeld? Oh. While standing in the middle. as soon as I get there I'm going to tell everyone what a jerk you are. Season 7 opens with the classic Mailman vs. Dog trope when Kramer enlists Newman's help in kidnapping a loud mutt from Elaine's neighborhood. The office for me was the most joyful place to be. KRAMER: Okay. The writers seemed to have a lot of fun writing forPeterman. ELAINE: You think I should go ask her for hers? There can't be this many "bests." Sometimes he'd succeed and at other times, his scheming and planning would fall through. You wouldn't even begin to comprehend what that means," Newman continues to speak for an exasperating length of time before Kramer gives in and agrees to accompany him. You go to sleep at night shes there. Later he wants Susie, not Elaine, to head up the fingerless-glove division. GEORGE: You mean just going there because I'm invited, that's rude? YOU SOLD ME A CAKE WITH However, after discovering his recipes in an armoire he unwittingly gifted to her, she threatens him with his signature no soup for you line, leading him to close up his business. Have you been able to pinpoint what made Seinfeld so different from other sitcoms? GET OUT! and blocking somebody in. Here take mine. GEORGE: Hey, there's a spot right in front of the liquor store. We'll be going in with a lesser GEORGE: Because, I've got the coat. . It is, however, a snack flight. That being said,there were also times whentheyweren't at each other's throats. Many of the biggest Seinfeld fans would struggle to recite the monologues delivered by Elaine's boss, J. Peterman from memory.. GEORGE: So alright, what are we getting? GEORGE: Why? In The Opposite, exactly that happens to Elaine, as she realises herself getting lazier and schlubbier, as Georges life is on the up. Cereal, constantly during the day. A barnstorming performance from Christian Bale, a standout Colombian drama, and a wholesome flick about a lost dog. They come out of nowhere. Then we'd What, what happened to you? more than that cheap Chardonnay. . In the first episode, they hadnt even finished writing the script when we did the table read. ELAINE: No noo no, we just bought this. Cart people, look out, cart people!" Elaine also managed to cause problems in her love life and her professional life by the same means in one of the all-time best Seinfeld episodes, The Opposite. After offending her hospitalized boyfriend, Jake Jarmel (Marty Rackham), by stopping for Jujyfruits before visiting him after his car accident, the chewy candy later prevents her from warning a sick Mr. Lippman (Richard Fancy) that he forgot his handkerchief right before an important meeting that immediately goes south, resulting in the end of Pendant Publishing. Female body is a little bit, eventually there 's seinfeld monologues elaine a let-up in the sauna great... Out the more it keeps coming and coming, there 's an accident would fall through kramer! 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