The Moon person will understand this and be able to comfort the Prosperina. Similarly, if the couple share Sun conjunct MC and Pluto conjunct IC they may be seen as an influential couple in the public eye, but struggle with power dynamics or manipulation behind closed doors. Not sure about marriage though. We have been together for over a year now and have been discussing the possibility of marriage recently. his Lilith conj my Vesta and Neptune Please have hope and self respect. You may be obsessed with pure love and how to get it and give it, perhaps. Mars trine north node, mars square north node. Registered: Feb 2010. Empty 5th House | No Aspects to the 5th House Ruler. PlutoVenus conjunct Saturn but its confusing if the Cupido persons Valentine and Boda tightly conjunct the Vertex persons Moon, surely that makes it better? It is what we wont face in ourselves. her Briede trine his Mars (on her Saturn and his SN) exact (9 Aqua - 8/9 Libra) his Groom-Venus on 14 Aquarius is the Apex of a Yod with her Mars on 13-14 Virgo and her Uranus on 13-14 Cancer. If Narcissus aspects one of your angles in a synastry chart be careful! 4. Moon conjunct BodaBoda is the Spanish word for marriage. Forecasts These two may be better as friends. While Chiron conjunct DC (the other) is the type of chemistry where the person embodies your deepest relationship wounds. The Spiderwoman one FEELS,to me, like the person who HAS it in the natal FEELS. My Bacchus exactly conjuncts his moon in Leo. Actually, we don't really recommend using the Asteroids if you are a beginner or novice astrologer because you will lose oversight and may miss the real core and basics of the relationship. If the flame went out, they were whipped. their dr ve/ma is my natal ones The Angles (AC/DC/MC/IC) are important points of the chart. The IC or Imum Coeli is the most private part of a chart. It happens. when A's Sun conjunct B's Venus, A's Venus sextiles B's Sun) sunsaturnmoon liked this his Boda conj my Part of fortune Moon conjunct AmorAmor would bring a pure kind of love to the Moon. Pattern Completion AriesLilith Knowflake . She will bring you a raw kind of sexuality. YOU are the most important person to me. Lucia, in your case it was your Union aspecting his Venus, Mars and Eros and you said it was YOU who lusted for him. What saturn touches, he makes one obsessed with. They are also a sign of intense attraction, and this strong pull towards the partner (which might manifest at times as an intense attraction/repulsion game). - his DC/Union/Destinn conjunct my AC (1/0/2);- his Amor oppose my AC (3);- his Union square my Saturn/Valentine/MC (2/0/0);- my Union trine his Amor (1), sextile his Valentine (0), trine his AC (3); - his Union sextile tMars (0), square tDestinn/tUnion/tBML(0/2/1); - my Union conjunct tSaturn/tValentine (0/2), trine tCupido (2); - tUnion oppose my Mars (2), conjunct my DC/Jupiter (0/2), trine my Uranus (0); - his Union sextile tVenus (1), square tAmor/tValentine (0/0); - tUnion trine his Sun (0), quincunx his Venus and Chiron (1/0), trine his Amor (3), square his Valentine (0), sextile his Cupido (0); - my Union trine tSun (1), oppose tChiron (0), sextile tJuno (1), conjunct tValentine (3), semi-sextile tUnion (1); - tUnion oppose My Mars (3), conjunct my DC (3), trine Uranus (1). The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. A's Union conjunct B's Ketu/South Nodecreates a spiritual bond. asteroid and black moon lilith both conjunct my moon and midheaven. His Eros conj my Sun in Scor. How about Venus/Mars to the Lights? his Circe- cj. I have a problem settling but with Juno in the 1st I almost feel I need a relationship. I have this with a girl I am crushing on HARD, and it is a double whammy. Yikes. Have you come across such experience? Even if we have a statistical prevalence of Mars/Venus connections, it doesn't mean love or relationships are impossible without them, and there are cases when the Mars/Venus combo is expressed indirectly in the chart, through mutual receptions, houses, a strong geometric structure of minors etc. It is doing what one wants sexually, in a big way. :o ^.^, What u think about Yods? Is there a reverse astrology calculator somewhere? Union [1585] often can signify marriage, or marriage prospects, but it may also signify teamwork, cooperation, or, in extreme cases, a feeling of being bound by fate. Moon Conjunct AS Why dont you choose one, my Friend, and I will try to help. Like literally every aspect of our charts, it's insane. If your cute coworker isnt expressing interest it may be best to move on. What is considered a conjunction exactly Unless other aspect indicate mutual interest, you might not be on the same page. Describe it--if you could. This is why I started studying astrology. When afflicted, this asteroid can indicate a kind of ruthless, all-or-nothing brutality to winning or victory. moon sq nep These astrological aspects do not by any means tell us whether the relationship is happy or healthy. Honestly, I wouldn't count an orb any greater than 1. Moon conjunct CasanovaThis would be what you would expect. Love, venus square venus This is pure love. Chiron is a persons deepest wound and lesson. Angel conj Nessus is interesting cuz the sexy Santana singer, Rob Thomas, has it. (cancer stellium sun/ve/ma/merc/juno opp moon all square pluto) Eris is unique in its vibe of being a major mosquito, if you will forgive the colloquialism. The person had a lot of trauma as a young adult. Actually, virtually every single Asteroid can be used on condition that you keep a very very tight orb. The only asteroid that I treat differently is Chiron. is this something i should worry about? Wow, we have the dw. Juno, a Roman goddess, was Jupiter's wife. Everything in my first house I believe I struggle with daily mainly because of Saturns position. When I see any strong conjunction of Chiron with a planet, I usually see a very close start to a relationship and a sharp break up over something insignificant. Moon square Moon And we have her Nymph near my Moon (and her Lilith and Nymph CONJ my Vertex (sitting on it) ). He touches your Angel so you are prolly obsessed with wanting to do good deeds but it is not easy. Every house planet sign astroid is either a yin yang or DW. If you were the Maniac, then I think you would bring them an unsettled energy that may make them moody. After reading, this truly made me consider the Twin Flame theory, but I think this would have more to do on how these asteroids come in contact with your personal planets. Pluto I think I can tell when song is just Venus/Pluto or Pluto /Ahprodite OR has Uranus added in ,too? This model describes the best identified relationships. sun cnj pluto ), Mercury Conjunct the Descendant in the Natal Chart, Your Natal Moon Phase Describes Your Love Life. Ive looked into a lot of asteroids but specially for synastry I use asteroids Union, DNA, Alma, Briede (this is the spelling), Groom, Destinn, Amor, Child, Eros, Psyche, Siva, Parvati, Isis, Osiris, Spirit, Angel, Akashi, Karma, Sophia, and Logos to name a few, 1585, 55555, 390, 19029, 5129, 6583, 1221, 4580, 433, 16, 2847, 1170, 1923, 42, 37452, 11911, 5881, 3811, 251, 58534. I want to know if our synastry and composite chart is a good indicator of a future long-lasting marriage between us, and are we soulmates or twin flames? This is a small aspect, really, K. It could show that people may idealize each other, due to the Neptune being there and when they see the truth, it can be super painful, as if they were fooled. Ascendants are trine Lib/Aqu. As far as our understanding goes by researching the Asteroids in synastry, the Asteroids rather describe (shared) events that the couple is likely to experience. I suppose I will let you decide. Chiron in the 7th would make for a struggle for sure! This does not always mean having a partner with personal planets in your 12th house is a red flag, but it can. I am searching for twin flame signs however I get too insecure down the road and ask for insight This would be a sense of the deep connection that is needed for marriage. my Union is on 29.50 Librahis is on 29.28 Libra. I would keep those orbs really tight, like 2-degrees max (and I would only extend out to 2-degrees if the asteroid is conjunct the Sun, Moon, or chart ruler). Pluto in a hard aspect to Mars, Uranus or Neptune. Retrograde would mean one would have to go inward before one could come out. Click on Extended Chart Selection. In synastry, Pluto conjunct/opposite/or square Mars can indicate intense power struggles that can be devastating if the pair have not tended to their shadow selves. It can demonstrate how the people in relationship see each other. Synastry specialists notice that in the charts of couples, Juno is often superimposed on the partner's solar sign. I notice I have quite a few asteroids sitting in my first house in a close orb in Sagittarius. Hmm I guess that when we met, he might have idealized me a bit in a Piscean way, while I liked him too yet I'm not exactly sure how I really felt back then (it was all too sudden!!). Hi ,Daleth please answer me~~~ thank you very much..I really love a girl, it's embarrassing to see our composite chart when not telling her, but i found in composite chart Eros/Psyche conj within 1 degree but no aspect in Synastry chart ~ and I feel like I love her with some reason(just met her for the first time..), maybe i don't have confident,maybe i'm a bad boy, so i ask this.,could you tell me something, please?? Personal planets in the 6th house can simply mean the couple has strong involvement in day-to-day life. The Kaali person may feel drained. With Saturn conjunct Juno in the 1st would I prefer an older mate? I am flying in the clouds and my imagination is spinning but we dont even know each other in person! my name asteroid conj his Uranus In my chart, my Asc is technically in Libra but starts close to Scorpio that it makes my 1st and 12th house in libra. His birthday is 3/7/84 and I don't know his birth time, but my best guess is 6:30pm GMT+9 time zone. moon septile venus What is your insight of our synastry? Alma/Mars would be the Alma person bring soul to the Mars persons passions and this would be good, too. I would be super interested in knowing. (1685) TORO Capricorn 10th house Aggression, strength, and power. Asteroid Juno shows what we want from a partner and long-term relationships. For these, I would allow a two degree orb, tops. They were not born near you in birth time. Your email address will not be published. It speaks to our deep insecurities and the personal power realized by meeting ourselves on this level. The fourth asteroid discovered in 1807, Vesta was named after another sister of Jupiter. Is it about formal marriage, or other kinds of joining? In my past Ive had quite a few sexual affairs but now Ive started to find I dont derive much satisfaction from it as I used to. It feels like a comfortable familiar friend. Sharing aspects between the same planets but with different aspect names i.e. venus conjunct ic She and Aphrodite were the only two women officially married among all goddesses. September 2016 Use tight orbs : 0-3 degrees. Vienna's orbit is determined by observations dating back to Oct. 23, 1898. ------------------Pluto conjunct Dejanira, Girlfriend. Seems every time we were in contact he was very moody, especially if he had a bad day. Just from a quick glance, it looks like it may not.Kaali, Bacchus and Nessus do not bode well for lasting relationships. The same would go for Aprodite. Conjunctions are strongest, although oppositions and squares can do the trick as well. Colors Even with other aspects indicating a strong emotional bond and longevity in commitment, the couple may not have much fun together. Asteroid has Boda (wedding) conjunct ASC by 1 degree, and they actually exchanged their vows with . His Venus in Libra conjuncts my Mars in Libra and my Jupiter in Sagittarius conjuncts his Mars in Sagittarius (the cowboy Wanderer). 2. Or it is possible that nothing would happen at all. Can you give me an insight into our synastry? Take this into consideration when you look at asteroids. Funny, that it is so close to yours, Ami. Time (local time) h min. If you care to post the natal chart, and the synastry/comp, the answer should be right there." It is what happens behind closed doors. Neptune square Moon Identifying a great romantic-marital relationship with astrology. Which house in astrology rules social media? I feel lost. It feels uncomfortable but it should work out well in the end because Saturn rewards one for hard work. Venus conj Karmat. Posts: 36881 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010: posted September 23, 2010 03:36 AM What would be the chance you would have Union asteroid exactly conjunct another person's Union asteroid? Sun in the 12th house at its worst can indicate the Sun person hides their true character from the 12th house person. The Moon person may feel eclipsed by Saturn on an emotional level and have a difficult time expressing their feelings in the relationship. Hi Patty :) The Cowboy WandererI like that! Our own investigations are not conclusive and not ready for publication yet. My South node conjuncts it, exact at his Kama point. Synastry It looks like a nicely balanced attraction, but also like more trines and pleasantness from your side, more edgy, crush-causing stuff from his. The ex and him has a Moon conjunct Venus PS If you are able to respond to me via my email address, that would be very helpful. However, personal planets (Sun/Moon/Mercury/Mars/Venus) square, opposite or conjunct the 6th house ruler in synastry can indicate an enemy. A lot of Double Whammies: shows relating through a reflection of the personality, etc,. Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook, Debbi Kempton Smith: Oppositions are emblematic for romantic relationships, since one important part of a good romantic connection comes from Yin/Yang polarities. Thank you. That would be a much better place to discuss it? Posts: 36881From: Pluto/house next to NickiGRegistered: Sep 2010. But if their Moon opposes or squares your Ascendant, your attitude or outward energy may be too different from their emotional nature and therefor they may not be emotionally attracted to you. I feel very free to just be myself because I feel I will be loved, no matter what.That is the essence of Ceres. his IC is conj exact my IC, Sun and South node The asteroid person may feel as though the object or angle of B is an extension of themself. At asteroids partner and long-term relationships your natal moon Phase Describes your Life... Pluto I think I can tell when song is just Venus/Pluto or /Ahprodite! Moon sq nep These astrological aspects do not bode well for lasting relationships Neptune square moon Identifying a great relationship... ( Sun/Moon/Mercury/Mars/Venus ) square, opposite or conjunct the Descendant in the 1st would I an. ) square, opposite or conjunct the Descendant in the natal FEELS hi Patty: ) cowboy. His venus in Libra conjuncts my Mars in Libra conjuncts my Mars union asteroid in synastry Libra conjuncts my Mars in (! Are important points of the personality, etc, true character from the 12th house its! 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