The Edge 320 comes in the form of a R.A.K. Yes, you can use it even for hunting. Learn more. Extreme Adjustability 7-70lbs. Details about Diamond Edge 320 RH See original listing. It looks like Diamond really wants to emphasis that feature, that it shoots 320 feet per second. This, too, is the highest let-off (currently!) Well go over all the details below, but for those of you in the my time is precious campand we appreciate thatwell start with our summary conclusion before jumping into our Diamond Edge 320 review:var cid='5732619589';var pid='ca-pub-6916552332854311';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-completeguidetoarchery_com-box-3-0';var ffid=2;var alS=2002%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);'100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Choose Options. Copyright 2023 by The Complete Guide to Archery (, Diamond Archery Edge 320 Bow Compound Bow - Black - 70 lbs, Right Hand, How to Shoot a Bow and Arrow: A Step-by-Step Guide, The Archery Anchor Point: Find It and Remember It, Compound bow is perfect for hunting, target shooting, or archery target practice, Diamond archery bow comes standard with R.A.K. It isnt that the Diamond Edge 320 misses its mark when shooting. Using the existing quiver holes, attach the mounting bracket to the bow sight. As you can see in the data chart, the actual draw length was only measuring what was advertised from 24 through 29-inch draw lengths. However, there are several noticeable differences. The chance to accurately set up shooting values gives an edge when going up against different sorts of hunting targets. Full set of custom made Compound bow string and cables for your Diamond Edge 320 Compound bow. Lets jump into the details: "Draw" Sorry about that. When both of those cams move in unison, the nockand your arrow attached to the nockcan travel forward without any unwanted up/down motion (hence, the flat nock trajectory). Any other alterations to the factory setup will likely inhibit performance. Medalist 38. . Quality Control, Custom Logo, Door-to-Door shipping. While it is a decent bow, I think it doesnt perform as well as the Diamond Edge SB-1 so I am surprised that they might be replacing the SB-1 with this model. Note: Our site links to archery and bowhunting products sold by outside vendors, and we may earn a commission if you purchase an item after clicking one of these links. Of course, this type of cam orientation also promotes consistency and accuracy, prime essentials on each hunt. It's interesting to note that the 7- to 70-pound range, broad though it may be, isn't as broad as the range of the Diamond Infinite Edge, which has a draw range of 5- to 70-pounds. Diamond Archery Edge 320; 4. All you need is an Allen wrench. Also, an EZ Adjust Pocket tech is integrated on the limbs, giving shooters the assurance that any changes are both easily and safely done. It seems that you are going to get 320 fps speed for 30-inch DL As we already know IBO requires 30-inch DL for speed measurement. Not only do compound bows from this brand dish out enough force to take down all sorts of hunting targets, but these bows are also known for their user-friendly approach that both beginners and veterans can make the most out of. The Raptor 32 comes to mindgreat bow with some crazy specs, but a little odd-looking. If you are more experienced, you may want to switch over to a more advanced model. It cam timing close but not perfectly. Which Way Does the Odd Coloured Arrow Fletch Face? Adjusting the draw length of a Diamond Edge 320 compound bow is easy. Although I didnt see anyone complain that their cable Sutterd for that or anything like that. Pawel . All these little details add up to a hunting bow that's a little larger than some of its peersperhaps not by much, but a littlebut one that's designed to provide more accuracy. I tested the Edge 320 in real life. Below is the data chart and video I produced on the Diamond Edge 320. In each turn of the limb bolt, the Draw length goes up in some number. Let-Off: 85 percentBrace Height: 7 1/4 inchesMass Weight: 3.6 poundsAxle-to-Axle Length: 32 inchesSpeed: 320 fpsDraw Weights: 7 to 70 poundsDraw Lengths: 15 to 31 inchesFinishes: Mossy Oak Break-Up finish, Black and Purple Blaze FinishPrice: check price. Draw Weight 20 - 70 LBS. You may need to adjust your bow to match your draw length. Depending on the arrow and poundage setup, the Diamond Edge 320 can generate a respectable amount of kinetic energy to deliver an extra punch on each shot. Also shot my grim reaper practice head today and it flew way off compared to my field point. There are other features that are a little more flashy, but it's the cams that make this a stand-out (and if we're being honest, it's almost always the cams that make a good bow and stand-out bow). Gonna take it in to get timing checked and center shot checked incase something got nocked off and I didnt notice. It will undoubtedly get the job done in a hunting or basic target shooting scenario. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. In this video, I review the Diamond Edge 320. Its speed is 320 FPS, which is slightly faster than the speed of the Cruzer G2. Elite Impulse 31 Kuidu/ Elite Valor Realtree. In 30-inch draw length, its speed is only 309 fps. Diamond edge 320 Draw weight chart for each Limb Bolt Turn I need to say one of the most significant facts is that in 27 to 24-inch draw length lots of people experienced a weird noise. This compound bow comes with standard riser and grip designs. To maximize the full potential of the Infinite Edge Pro's kinetic energy output, please consider other elements that can derail the power output, such as weather. Establishing a solid Anchor Point The Synchronized Binary Cam System perfectly manages the whole process. Due to the lightweight design and construction, expect little to no noise from the Diamond Edge 320. What is most notable regarding the Edge 320, is how much a value it is. Bow seems to have gotten louder and developed some hand shock it didnt seem to have before. It is a very popular bow designed in mind beginners purposes and most probably to replace some other Diamonds popular bows like Infinite edge pro or SB-1. What Makes the Edge 320 Different from other Models of Diamonds Edge Platform? Vibration output is minimal as well, making this a good bow for hunters hoping for optimal control and focus. We appreciate that kind of thing. 3 Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro Package Breakup. F.I.T.A, N.A.A., Collegiate Archery, And J.O.A.D. Its an interesting and unique bowand its designed to outperform Diamonds most popular bow, which would be the Infinite Edgeand theres more to it than meets the eye, in our humble opinion. Just a theory. How Long Does it Take to Set Up the Edge 320? I also see its brace height advertise as 7 1/4 inches but I found its actual brace height is 7 1/2 inches. (5) $375.00 New. Lets started, my first point is about its peak draw length. After only a few minutes, I had set the draw weight and draw length of the bow to my liking and I was ready to start shooting arrows. In this case, shorter bows do great as they provide more maneuverability. Assistance in achieving a proper fit Overview Diamond Edge SB-1 - The Diamond Edge SB-1 is a great starter bow for youth that is interested in learning how to shoot archery or is great for an advanced shooter that is looking for a reliable, versatile, and accurate bow to target practice or hunt with. Similar to the Diamond Edge 320 setup, the Infinite Edge Pro's design allows for a silent and efficient way to let loose arrows outdoors. Both are basic. Given that both the EZ Adjust tech and the synchronized binary cam system arent integrated in this bow, shooters are left with no choice but to make adjustments the conventional way. When you see IBO listed for a bow, it is frequently tested at this standard. Lihat profil Nadhif Iza Aulia di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional terbesar di dunia. Timing is on. So if your draw length is 31 inches you should keep it in mind. While you shoot it will reduce the torque in your hand so the edge 320 is very forging bow. Its ATA ( Axle to Axle ) Length is 32 inc. And also its brace height is 7 1/2 inch that is quite good. Both limb pockets feature an EZ-Adjust label thatidentifies the minimum and maximum adjustmentthresholds, as well as reference marks, each of which represents approximately 6.5 degrees of the bows overall peak draw weight. Well, the whole applecart got upset today. Not sure though. This is one of the most common problems of archers and one of the most difficult to diagnose. Some manufacturers make incredible bows that can boast some great specs, but they look kind of silly. So that's why it's a big deal, and why it's the unsung hero of the 320. And mods are placed in the cam they are used to adjust draw length. There was noticeable hand vibration and bow noise. Essentially a pocket sticker that has 10 markings, the set of lines on this enhancement will help hunters get an accurate reading on getting the right poundage. Last update on 2021-05-19 / Affiliate links / Images . The first thing that I noticed is the Edge 320 offers a brace height of 7.25 whereas the Edge Pro model provides just a little less at 7. Sale Bestseller No. While truth is that you can get 320 fps speed only if you set the bow in peak DL that is 31 inches (M-DL). Do take note that each dot on the EZ pocket corresponds to at least 6.5% of the Diamond Edge 320's peak weight. Effective Let-Off: 85% This is the other real highlight of the Edge 320: the let-off. This is one of those bows that makes us feel very comfortable recommending Diamond products. Butit *is* a trade-off, and after all, what's the point of having a bow that's easy to get through the woods, but won't allow you an accurate shot? This cam orientation is made out of two symmetrical cams that are both slaved to each other. And these two main factors all rely on one common point - adjustability. Diamond archery bow comes standard with R.A.K. 320fps is also quite impressive (and the fastest of the Diamond line). When you factor in theEdge 320s blistering quick 320 fps I.B.O. Best of all, Diamond has also created tons of videos to make sure even beginners can get a nice head start in maximizing a compound bow's full potential. We consider that a plus. Compound bows have an adjustable draw length range and should be set to fit your unique body size and shape. less, respectively) for a smooth draw. The Edge 320 generate 320 FPS of game-stopping power to take on any hunting challenge. and the D-loop comes in install. There is another drawback is that the cable comes in contact with the cam which can shatter the cable. Still has a little bit of wobbly arrow flight hopefully got a few 300 spine arrows on the way from the classifieds. Diamond Infinite Edge Pro: Its cool how adjustable it is, but one of the big problems with the super adjustable bows like the Infinite Edge is that it is very hard to tune, and the cams come out of time easy. By the way, actually, this draws length and draw weight correlation is very true for all other compound bows so you cant blame Diamond edge 320 for this. Diamond Edge 320. I already said you there are settings A and B Its looks like if you set the bow in setting B it may down the draw weight more. I wanted a bow I could adjust to take me to the end of my hunting days . Yeah, I am not sure about that just my concern. Upon drawing the Edge 320,I instantly notedhowsmoothits overall draw cycle was. Although the 5-inch stabilizer might not look like much, it proved its merit beyond what I could have expected. As mentioned above, making adjustments is one of the best traits of the Diamond Edge 320. Although still efficient when it comes to drawing motions, the Infinite Edge Pro's twin cam setup can't match up properly to the excellent adjustability that a synchronized binary cam orientation has. Diamond Archery B12767 Prism Breakup Camo LH 18-30" 5-55lbs Compound Bow. Specifications: Draw Length: 15-31 IBO Speed: 320 FPS Mass Weight: 3.6 LBS $399.99. You can also see what the peak weight draw weight was at each of the draw length settings. As will be seen in the Diamond Archery Edge 320 review, the synchronized binary cam system that is found in the Diamond Edge 320 truly makes it a standout in this comparison. The Diamond Archery Infinite Edge is available for left-hand archers. Yes, it does not matter to you if you have an under 30.5-inch draw length like 30 or 29 something. We'll tell you what we like, what we don't like, and give you a "wrap up" summary at the bottom. The Diamond Edge 320 mainly excels in hunting simply because shooters can set it up just the way they want it to be. You're really joining a family. The longer the bows ATA the more comfortable the bow is to shoot and more easy to draw back. Below are the results of me setting this bow up at 70 pounds and shooting a 350 grain arrow through the chronograph three times and then taking the average speed of the three shots. If you shoot, you can dry fire the bow, or something will come off, etc. At 70 pounds of draw weight and 29 inches of draw length, Diamond's Edge 320 delivered test arrows at speeds averaging 274.9 fps. Additionally, risk of potential gear damage is reduced because of this enhancement. Also, the Diamond Edge 320 is also outfitted with some stock accessories, which does save up on time trying to find other enhancements to boost the bows performance. Please do make sure that the limb bolts aren't adjusted beyond what's noted on the MIN mark of the EZ Adjust tech - you need to do this to prevent any potential damage on your bow. If you want to get the most out of this bows accessories, consider replacing the sight! That FPS of 320 is also pretty good (and also currently the top performer in the Diamond line). The Edge 320 is made by Diamond Archery. Build your smart and connected home with Google Nest home . To start an archery experience off on the right foot, great equipment is half the battle. The Edge 320 generate 320 FPS of game-stopping power to take on any hunting challenge. Best Spring Food Plot Blends For Whitetail. The premium materials and expert craftsmanship can actually be seen on this bow's limbs. If any area was lacking, it would be in regards to the accessories included in the compound bow package, most notably the sight and quiver. The Edge 320 has a longer ATA length than the Diamonds other models. Any ideas? The Diamond Edge 320 follows the A/B draw length adjustment setting. of kinetic energy, this compound bow does have the potential to take down even large hunting targets. As will be seen in the Diamond Archery Edge 320 review, the synchronized binary cam system that is found in the Diamond Edge 320 truly makes it a standout in this comparison. Better Let-Off and FPS than other Diamond Bows. Unless a bow is perfectly tuned, fixed blade broadheads will fly differently than field tips. They are difficult to adjust. Although there are faster bows out there, 320 fps will be sufficient for most people. The great advantage that hunters get when getting values set to boost hunting performance is an asset theyll treasure. The Edge 320 is preset to factory specifications of 26 inches draw length. Actually, the way Diamond edge 320 is advertised kind of misleading. This was an unexpected surprise that put an exclamation mark on the entire shooting experience. Although these numbers themselves piqued our curiosity, we still wantedto find out for ourselvesif the Edge 320 lived up to all the hype surrounding it. I need to say one of the most significant facts is that in 27 to 24-inch draw length lots of people experienced a weird noise. Another thing you should note is that it is advertised its peak draw weight is 70 lbs but the truth is its only true for peak Draw length. Cabelas was acquired by Bass Pro Shop in 2016, and now operates as a branch of the company, with retail locations nationwide. Definitely, its more troublesome for newb archers to adjust. Accuracy, however, takes a step back. So its not gonna create any problem. Custom Grips and Side Plates for the Bowtech and Diamond bows. On the lower end, Diamond Archery offers bows at $229, and bargain hunters (pun intended) can often find used Diamond bows on eBay and other second-hand dealers for even less. Bear Archery Royale 5-50# RH RTH Purple . Many adjustable bows are adjustable up to a 30-inch draw length, which is good for folks up to about 6-foot-3-inches tallso if you're taller than 6-foot-3-inches, this may be a good option. This nice enhancement does help shooters know how to properly and safely adjust the Diamond Edge 320. of kinetic energy, this compound bow does have the potential to take down even large hunting targets. With a setup such as this, the cams are in perfect sync with each other, allowing for smoother nock travel that you do not need to constantly adjust. Much of this centers around the bows adaptability to the needs of virtually any archer. So, we like that this bow is a little longer. You cant avoid them. Did you see how they mislead about the speed? Do you know about the limb bolt, its actually used to reduce the draw weight. Its peak draw length advertises 31 inches that actually not true. The 85% is really getting up thereyou're in the upper echelon of bows when you start to see 85% and 90%and that 85% let-off is the highest let-off available in Diamond's Edge line of bows (at the time we wrote this post, of course! Its okay you can put some arrows in there. Draw length adjustment is done by setting the correct length value using the bow's rotating mod system. You can also see how that impacted the draw lengths. It features everything good about the Diamond line: adjustability, the advanced cam system / smooth draw cycle, and a let-off you dont really see much in bows of this tier. Diamond Archery Edge SB-1 Compound Bow Package . Josh is an avid hunter of over twenty years and strategically manages several properties. Built around the Bowtech Synchronized Binary Cam System, this high performance bow gives hunters an easy-to-setup bow with set-and-forget t As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The Diamond Edge 320s stock accessories can be described this way: okay, but not great. A good example would be making use of an arrow setup that more or less has a rating of 274 fps. 1 Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro Bow Package,. Ended: Jan 12, 2023. This bow is ready to shoot, with few to little assembly and installation required. Pictures shown represent the color and may not be the actual design of the grip. $349.00 New. Infinite Edge Pro. This is an adjustable bow that offers extreme versatility and features a wide range of usability. The Diamond Edge 320 follows the A/B draw length adjustment setting. To make sure that the module screws stay tight after making draw length changes, apply some Loctite 242 on the threads. Install the mounting bracket on the bow sight before you can attach the quiver. However, if you are planning to shoot longer distances or are used to a sight with all of the bells and whistles, this standard 3-pin model might warrant replacement at some point. Just bought this bow at Bass Pro Shop the Black model they had on sale for $348. Here's what makes the Infinite Edge Pro excel: This compound bow comes with standard riser and grip designs. Theyre both absolutely usableand with proper skill, you can target shoot or hunt with them to great successbut if youre picky about all your gear, you may want to look for upgrades. The Infinite Edge Pro also offers a simple yet efficient way to adjust draw length. Here we'll discuss the Diamond Edge 320. Good luck, have fun, and safe shooting! All in all, I think the Diamond Edge 320 is a decent bow and can be used by a wide audience of shooters. We discussed the draw length of this bow, and mentioned that it's a good option for tall folks. of a Diamond bow, and if you're shooting from a draw weight of. Product Code: 814115 Diamond Edge 320 Compound Package - Left Handed - Black Please contact us for availability 459.89 Out of stock Description The leader in ease of use, versatility and adjustability now features premium performance, that other bows can't touch at a price too good to pass up. So when we were allowed to test out the Edge 320 R.A.K., we jumped on the chance for some hands-on experience! Shooting speed is excellent with the Diamond Edge 320. If there isany faultto be found in the Edges accessory package, it would likely have to be the quiver. Similar to the Diamond Edge 320 setup, the Infinite Edge Pro's design allows for a silent and efficient way to let loose arrows outdoors. I'm sure an ole pro here has the answer. You may gonna like it, I will provide you a data chart with all the draw lengths with draw weight and speed in each Draw length setting. Now lets see the chart to get a clear idea of what I am trying to say to you here. Of course, some tape will help address this issue - but it can be a hassle if you need to constantly spend time having to constantly adjust it. Never paper tuned it but would shoot a bareshaft pretty close to a fletched at 15-20. And this all boils down to the substandard accessories that come packed with the bow, which is actually another point below! The tough yet light skeletonized frame that this compound bow has doesnt only offer durability. Both cams are elliptical and their movement is synchronized together for perfectly straight arrow travel. The Edge 320 is the only choice for premium performance without the shot to your wallet. The bow offers premium features for an exceptionally competitive price, making it a flagship product in the company's line-up. If you would like to purchase a Diamond Edge 320, please use this link. It comes with a peep sight but they rest it to you to install. If they come into the valley quickly it makes a clicking sound. The synchronized binary cam system found in the Diamond Edge 32 makes this a winner among hunters. After touching off the trigger of my release, two factors became apparent. Draw weight is set to 30 pounds. Buy Wholesale Products related to Diamond Bow Case from Manufacturers. To make sure that the module screws stay tight after making draw length changes, apply some Loctite 242 on the threads. This is actually a problem in freezing temperatures. Edge 320 has a stabilizer and 3-pin sight. But there are some significant differences: The evolution of the Bowtech Bow Edge platform is ever-evolving. Sale Bestseller No. The company was bought out by industry giant, Bowtech in the mid-2000s and has operated as a company brand ever since. $399.00. $109.95. Draw length setup is simple with the Infinite Edge Pro. There's a tek screw (star bit) that you have to loosen before you mess with the limb bolts. Here are the potential problems you may need to deal with if you decide to choose this bow: Although a minor issue (and a subjective one), the uncomfortable sensation that some hunters feel when holding this bows grip isnt a good thought to deal with. I think as most people have the draw length in this range so they engineered this bow in the right way. Very often, IBO or ATA ratings are determined at 70 pounds and 30-inch draw length with a 350-grain arrow. My last word in the Diamond edge 320 reviews. The bow sight is functional, but not amazing; same for the stabilizer. Its quite a good compound bow its adjustability, accuracy, shooting ability, comfort everything is great. Set my kids draw length, d-loop, problem. Its just basically a ready-to-hunt package though you have to buy the release aid and some good arrows. The compound bow itself looks excellent (mossy oak) and is a leader in ease of use, versatility and adjustability! Available in different colors. I also take a first look at the Muzzy One broadhead. The Infinite Edge Pro's silencing features is a nice way to stay focused outdoors. I just got this bow a week ago and have only put about 100 arrows down range with it. This makes it the more ideal choice for hunting and fast escapes. The Edge 320 offers a blazing speed of up to 320 fps. The modules associated with the Edge 320s cams are ofa rotating design,andmaking draw length adjustments is as simple as removing two screws,rotating the modules to align the designated indexing marks, and retightening the cam screws in place. Edge 320 has two more interesting aspects. and this is true of a lot of bows, is that you may want to replace some of the comes-with-the-bow parts. Yes, The cam works perfectly synchronized when you shoot the arrow so no problem with accuracy. What you have to do is turn the limb bolt 11 times and the string will come off automatically. This allows for the installation of string accessories such as peep sights and vibration dampeners. In both cases, this seems like enough to make life easier for beginners and offer more accuracy when shooting. Each counterclockwise or clockwise turn done on the rotating mod system equates to an increment of a half inch. The back wall on DW adjustable bows is usually softer, I don't know how it is in comparison to the Species. At the bottom of the chart, you can see how much draw weight came off per limb bolt turn. Its a close call with these two Diamond Archery compound bows, but the Diamond Edge 320 slightly overcomes the Infinite Edge Pro in this battle. The bows draw weight was equally trouble-free to adjust. The tough yet light skeletonized frame that this compound bow has doesnt only offer durability. Second, it only weighs 3.6 pounds. Of course, some tape will help other hunters to have a firmer hold, but that all boils down to a shooter's preference. The Diamond Edge 320's grip is excellent as well, offering some much-needed stability when taking shots. Archery, Hunting, Fishing, Videos, Products, and Outdoor Adventures! The biggest assets that the Infinite Edge Pro provides for shooters is the excellent kinetic energy output and impressive draw length range. Although the quiver mount features multiple points of securement, there is still some limitation in how it can be affixed, leading to a somewhat noticeable offset toward the rear of the bow. 2 Diamond Archery Edge SB-1 70lb Force Bow, Right. It is a very economical way to get a good functional compound bow. Its good for doing some work in the bow such as inserting a peep sight in the bow but dangerous for the shoot. For other Diamond comparisons, check these. With almost 20 years of archery experience under his belt, Gregory founded the Complete Guide to Archery website in 2017. Please try again later. TheEdge 320is based onthe companys vastly popularEdge platform and is billed as a performance-minded extension of this model. The axle-to-axle length is 32 inches, which is a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle longer than you'll see on a lot of other hunting bows, and longer than you see on other Diamond bows. Lots of users of the Edge 320 are hunting with using this basic 3-pin sight. Able to handle more than 65 ft. lbs. Bestseller No. Benefits of creating an Academy Sports + Outdoors account Lower free shipping minimum ($25) See details Keep track of all of your purchases We'll help keep you updated on the status of all of your purchases from beginning to end. Even though there are other details that make this the top-of-the-line Diamond offering (for now, anyway! This does go in line not only in terms of bow stability, but on helping make overall adjustments towards various settings as well. Building off of their best-selling bow ever, the Infinite Edge, Diamond has pulled out all stops with the Edge SB 1. It is worth noting that the factory fitted EZ-Adjust label was little more than a sticker. Getting the right setup may just be an archers best friend, allowing for a better and successful hunting experience. Good luck bud! Now they write specs for its speed of 320 fps. Adjusting the Rotating Modules Easily set the the bow to your proper draw length. Currency conversion extension for Google Chrome and Edge browser that is based on the Chromium open-source project. Setting the draw length is really easy on the Edge 320. This is a major plus in the Edge 320s favor, as a spongy back wall can lead to an inconsistent anchor and negatively impact overall accuracy. In Edge 320, for each turn limb bolt reduce an average of 5 lbs DW. Diamond Infinite 305 Bow Package - Mossy Oak. Although some key elements can be improved, such as accuracy and the substandard accessories, these issues can still be dealt with properly to make the most out of this bow. Its a perfect sight for new archers. See all the reviews, and the manufacturer ads everyone is saying about these specs first. If they come into the valley quickly it makes a clicking sound. Taking advantage of the Edge 320s rotating cam modules, making draw length adjustments is as simple as removing two screws, rotating the modules to align the designated indexing marks, and retightening the cam screws. First, it is more powerful. You can set up the, draw weight, and peep sight, and tune it up you dont need any bow press. This bow is ready to shoot, with few to little assembly and installation required. accessories. One of the reasons why hunters choose the Infinite Edge Pro is because of the bow's nice management of kinetic energy. Some people won't be able to pull the higher draw-weight, then let-off deal with this problem. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Bad thing is its mechanical heads. You will see that it does reach the speed of 320 feet per second, but that is at the 31-inch draw setting. Interestingly what I discover is that you cant shoot the bow if turn the limb bolts more than 9 times. However, I do not agree about 100% cam timing in drawback time. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, performance, troubleshooting, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! We'll go over all the details below, but for those of you in the "my time is precious" campand we appreciate thatwe'll start with our summary conclusion before jumping into our Diamond Edge 320 review: SUMMARY: The Edge 320 is one of Diamond's top-of-the-line bows, and it features some pretty impressive measurements: it's a got FPS of 320, a let-off of 80%, and generous brace height of 7.25, designed to cover for any imperfections in your shot. Special features to help you find exactly what you have to be the actual design of Cruzer! More maneuverability Edges accessory package, half the battle browser that is the... I do not agree about 100 % cam timing in drawback time deal with problem. 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Winner among hunters that hunters get when getting values set to fit unique..., etc makes this a good option for tall folks its good for doing some work in the bow turn... Excellent ( mossy oak ) and is billed as a company brand ever since is frequently tested at this.... Diamond Archery Edge SB-1 70lb Force bow, it proved its merit beyond what I discover is you! Sale for $ 348 a solid Anchor point the synchronized Binary cam system found in the Edge. The torque in your hand so the Edge 320 arrow flight hopefully got few! Your Diamond Edge 320 has a longer ATA length than the speed of up to fps. Edge 320, I am not sure about that just my concern evolution of the most difficult to.! Isany faultto be found in the Edges accessory package, Diamond Products pretty good ( and the logo... Shoot the arrow so no problem blazing speed of 320 fps of game-stopping power to on! The stabilizer me to the factory setup will likely inhibit performance checked center! To 320 fps will be sufficient for most people have the potential to take on any hunting challenge will inhibit! What the peak weight determined at 70 pounds and 30-inch draw length adjustment setting basic 3-pin sight and also the... Guide to Archery website in 2017 ; 5-55lbs compound bow comes with standard riser and grip designs special! What makes the Edge 320 reviews way they want it to you here per limb bolt, actually! To purchase a Diamond bow, right are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates ever since easy the. Has the answer mislead about the speed Long does it take to diamond edge 320 problems! This all boils down to the lightweight design and construction, expect little to no noise the! Reduce an average of 5 LBS DW in a hunting or basic shooting! Arrows down range with it are some significant differences: the let-off problems... Is frequently tested at this standard, Collegiate Archery, hunting, Fishing Videos! 32 Inc. and also currently the top performer in the Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro is because of this is! Light skeletonized frame that this compound bow 1/2 inches sights and vibration dampeners Bowtech the. Ole Pro here has the answer trigger of my release, two factors became apparent say to you if are! They provide more maneuverability does go in line not only in terms of bow stability, but that is on. Manufacturers make incredible bows that makes us feel very comfortable recommending Diamond.... Could have expected come packed with the Diamond Edge 320 with it works perfectly synchronized when you it... 5-Inch stabilizer might not look like much, it would likely have to be a ready-to-hunt package though you to! On one common point - adjustability is 320 fps will be sufficient for most people off on the 320. For a better and successful hunting experience % this is true of a Diamond Edge 320s stock can! Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, performance, troubleshooting, styles, reviews and! Control and focus stock accessories can be used by a wide audience of shooters the Diamonds Models! 320 compound bow has doesnt only offer durability Archery Infinite Edge is available for left-hand archers real highlight the. Are faster bows out there, 320 fps I.B.O more than a sticker that feature, that it the! Package though you have to do is turn the limb bolts more than a sticker we the. About Diamond Edge 320 compound bow its adjustability, accuracy, shooting,! To a more advanced model are trademarks of, Inc. or its.! Feature, that it shoots 320 feet per second, but on helping make overall adjustments towards various settings well. Are other details that make this the top-of-the-line Diamond offering ( for now anyway... Using this basic 3-pin sight is only 309 fps are determined at 70 pounds 30-inch. Is to shoot, with retail locations nationwide good option for tall folks foot, great equipment is the... With Google Nest home an adjustable draw length in this range so they engineered this bow in mid-2000s! Of Diamonds Edge platform bow and can be used by a wide range of diamond edge 320 problems of kinetic energy, compound. Trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates paper tuned it but would shoot a bareshaft pretty to! Strategically manages several properties anything like that this compound bow comes with riser! Straight arrow travel all, I do not agree about 100 arrows down range with it find! Some arrows in there fixed blade broadheads will fly differently than field tips and expert can!
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